HTML & PHP : Doublequotes-Singlequotes Issue [duplicate]
we can
and in PHP
$name = "Junaid";
$name = 'Junaid';
$names = array('Junaid','Junaid','Junaid');
$names = array("Junaid","Junaid","Junaid");
now all these statements are correct with single or double quotes but
- what difference does it make
- which is the preferred method
- what types of quotes to use where
which one of the following is correct
$link = ""
echo "<a href=' ". $link ." '>Click Here</a>"
echo "<a href= ". $link ." >Click Here</a>"
The difference between single and double quotes in PHP is that PHP will read variables inside of double quotes but not single. For example:
$variable = "test";
echo "Can you see this $variable"; // Can you see this test
echo 'Can you see this $variable'; // Can you see this $variable
The single quote will be read literal, where was double will attempt to replace the $variable with it's value.
Optimization Differences
As pointed out in the comments below, single quotes tend to be faster than double. In a quick benchmark, double quotes with any $
's escaped is the fastest vs single and double with and without $variables
in the string. See
In particular, variables are expanded in double quotes:
$foo = 42;
print('foo is $foo'); // foo is $foo
print("foo is $foo"); // foo is 42
In HTML, it doesn't matter at all.
In PHP, it does. Using the single-quotes prevents variables from being interpreted; for instance, echo '$foo';
will print "$foo". Not the variable, just the characters. Also, you have to escape single-quotes within single-quotes, but not single-quotes within double-quotes, etc. I answered this question before here.
As for your second question, they're both wrong. It should be:
echo "<a href='". $link ."'>Click Here</a>"
or, better yet:
echo "<a href='$link'>Click Here</a>"
or, better still, a templating engine like Smarty TPL.