
How do I set the command timeout for DataAdapter.Update when I instantiate the DataAdapter using a SELECT query?

I have code that looks like this:

var ds = new DataSet();
var fooIDToFoo = new Dictionary<string, Foo> {{"Foo1", foo1}, {"Food2", foo2}};
var sql = "SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE FooID IN ('Foo1', 'Foo2')";
var da = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, dbConnection);
da.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 60;
// Can't set da.InsertCommand.CommandTimeout because db.InsertCommand is null.
// Can't set da.UpdateCommand.CommandTimeout because db.UpdateCommand is null.
var cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);
var fooTable = "Foo";
da.Fill(ds, fooTable);
var fooTable = ds.Tables[fooTable];
var existingFooIDSet = new Set<string>(); // Modify any Foo that's in DB.
foreach (DataRow r in fooTable.Rows)
  var fooID = r["ID"];
  var foo = fooIDToFoo[fooID]
  r["ID"] = foo.ID;
  r["Bar"] = foo.Bar;
foreach (var foo in fooIDToFoo.Values) // Add any Foo that's not i开发者_如何学Gon DB.
  if (!existingFooIDSet.Contains(foo.FooID))
    var foo = fooIDToFoo[fooID]
    var r = fooTable.NewRow();
    r["ID"] = fooID;
    r["Bar"] = foo.Bar;
da.Update(ds, "Steve"); // Times out!

The last statement times out, so I want to increase the timeout, but, as the code comments indicate, I can't set da.InsertCommand.CommandTimeout because db.InsertCommand is null, and I can't set da.UpdateCommand.CommandTimeout because db.UpdateCommand is null.

The solution is to explicitly get the insert and update commands using the DbCommandBuilder, set their timeouts, then assign them to the DbDataAdapter's InsertCommand and UpdateCommand properties:

da.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();
da.InsertCommand.CommandTimeout = timeout;
da.UpdateCommand = cb.GetUpdateCommand();
da.UpdateCommand.CommandTimeout = timeout;

This shouldn't occur until immediately before the da.Update(db, "Steve").





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