I have written the exact code in vb and C# and it doesnt work the same... logic is identical... i hope
Kind of new to C# and trying to broaden my abilities a bit. I have this code in VB:
Private Sub BreakdownFilesToCompare(ByRef file1BReader As BinaryReader, _
ByRef file2BReader As BinaryReader, _
ByRef firstFile As StandardFormatFile, _
ByRef secondFile As StandardFormatFile)
firstFile.numberOfSeries = file1BReader.ReadInt32
secondFile.numberOfSeries = file2BReader.ReadInt32
If firstFile.numberOfSeries <> secondFile.numberOfSeries Then
WriteToConsole("The number of Elements the two files do not match...Stopping")
Exit Sub
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To firstFile.numberOfSeries - 1
Dim tempSeriesData1 As New StandardFormatFileSeries
Dim tempSeriesData2 As New StandardFormatFileSeries
tempSeriesData1.standardNumOfElements = file1BReader.ReadInt32
tempSeriesData1.standardSeriesName = GetSeriesName(file1BReader)
tempSeriesData2.standardNumOfElements = file2BReader.ReadInt32
tempSeriesData2.standardSeriesName = GetSeriesName(file2BReader)
For j As Integer = 0 To tempSeriesData1.standardNumOfElements - 1
Dim tempElementData1 As New StandardFormatFileElement
tempElementData1.standardX_TimeValue = fil开发者_开发知识库e1BReader.ReadSingle
tempElementData1.standardY_SampleValue = file1BReader.ReadSingle
For k As Integer = 0 To tempSeriesData2.standardNumOfElements - 1
Dim tempElementData2 As New StandardFormatFileElement
tempElementData2.standardX_TimeValue = file2BReader.ReadSingle
tempElementData2.standardY_SampleValue = file2BReader.ReadSingle
End Sub
Private Function GetSeriesName(ByRef bReader As BinaryReader) As String
Dim enc As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
Dim title As Byte()
title = bReader.ReadBytes(128)
Return enc.GetString(title)
End Function
Now this is what i have in C#
private void compareStandardFormat(ref BinaryReader file1breader,ref BinaryReader file2breader,
ref FileStructure firstfile,ref FileStructure secondfile)
firstfile.numberofseries = file1breader.ReadInt32();
secondfile.numberofseries = file2breader.ReadInt32();
if (firstfile.numberofseries != secondfile.numberofseries)
writeToConsole("The number of Elements the two files do not match...Stopping");
for (int i = 0; i < firstfile.numberofseries - 1; i++)
StandardFormatFileSeries tempseriesdata1 = new StandardFormatFileSeries();
StandardFormatFileSeries tempseriesdata2 = new StandardFormatFileSeries();
tempseriesdata1.standardnumofelements = file1breader.ReadInt32();
tempseriesdata1.standardseriesname = getSeriesName(ref file1breader).Trim();
tempseriesdata2.standardnumofelements = file2breader.ReadInt32();
tempseriesdata2.standardseriesname = getSeriesName(ref file2breader).Trim();
for (int j = 0; j < tempseriesdata1.standardnumofelements - 1; j++)
StandardFormatFileElement tempElementData1 = new StandardFormatFileElement();
tempElementData1.standardx_timevalue = Convert.ToString (file1breader.ReadSingle());
tempElementData1.standardy_samplevalue = Convert.ToString(file1breader.ReadSingle());
for (int k = 0; k < tempseriesdata2.standardnumofelements - 1; k++)
StandardFormatFileElement tempElementData2 = new StandardFormatFileElement();
tempElementData2.standardx_timevalue = Convert.ToString(file2breader.ReadSingle());
tempElementData2.standardy_samplevalue = Convert.ToString(file2breader.ReadSingle());
private string getSeriesName(ref BinaryReader bReader)
UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] title;
title = bReader.ReadBytes(128);
return enc.GetString(title);
The VB way does correctly read the binary reader and correctly index to the next position...the C# way doesnt. It loses track after the first iteration...why???
please help.
I think these are different:
For i As Integer = 0 To firstFile.numberOfSeries - 1
for (int i = 0; i < firstfile.numberofseries - 1; i++)
I think that the direct C# translation is:
for (int i = 0; i <= firstfile.numberofseries - 1; i++)
or better:
for (int i = 0; i < firstfile.numberofseries; i++)
I'm not familiar with VB, but it does appear you are stopping short of the end of your collections as you are both subtracting 1 from the count of elements and using the 'less than' (<) operator in your loop. This means that your loops will exit before the last item.
I would suggest removing the '- 1' from the loop conditions. Alternatively you can switch to 'less than or equal to' (<=) but the former makes more sense in this case.
I think it's the for operator?
In C#
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// inner loop
This will run 10 times
in vb
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
rem inner loop
This will run 11 times.
So the fix is:
Ditch the "- 1" on the C# loop check
For clarity, I'd write the VB code as
For i As Integer = 1 To firstFile.numberOfSeries
and the C# code as
for (int i = 0; i < firstfile.numberofseries; i++)
because, in each case, firstFile.numberOfSeries is the number of times the loop is run.
try changing:
for (int i = 0; i < firstfile.numberofseries - 1; i++)
int index = firstfile.numberofseries;
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
Without knowing what type of structure it is defined as I am guessing that when you add to the firstfile/secondfile structures the loop is thrown out of whack.
Also, please accept the answer that fixes your challenge. It is good to know it is already fixed instead of guessing and trying to dig deeper into a non-existent problem. :)