
Displaying values for date objects in Google Chrome Developer Tools

Is it possible in Google Chrome's Developer Tools (Developer -> Developer Tools or ctrl+shift+i) when inspecting script's date variables to see their values?

For example, Google Chrome:

end_date: Date
start_date: Date


end_date: Mon Nov 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 {}
start_date: Fri Oct 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0300 {}

This problem can be solved in C开发者_StackOverflowhrome by adding new watch: date_object.toString() but that is not really convenient, maybe there is some other way?

Update: Sorry i didn't specify it in the original question - date is not displayed on the Scripts tab in the 'Watch expressions', 'Scope variables' sections.

I'm not quite understand your question. As I can see the debugger is showing the Date in format you want.

Could you please provide a use case for your problem.

Displaying values for date objects in Google Chrome Developer Tools

function test()
    var t = new Date();
setTimeout(test, 1000);


There is a WebKit's bug (again at 2011-11-05): https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71605

So just add ".toString()" to a watching variable:

Displaying values for date objects in Google Chrome Developer Tools





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