CakePHP search in hasMany relations
I have a model Content which belongsTo Categories, hasMany Publishers, and Publisher belongsTo city. There is also a search form where someone selects from a drop-down box which category to view and which city.
But how can I combine these two in a single paginate condition? I mean I cannot do something like:
$this->paginate('Content',array('conditions' =>array(''=>$category,
because to get cities cake performs a different query.
Nor can I do something like:
$this->paginate('Content',array('conditions' =>array(''=>$category),
because this will search according to category and filter the city results according to $city.
I know I can do something like:
but this will change the output of my paginated data.
What I usually do is write my custom query where I LEFT join all models and filter the开发者_StackOverflow社区 results in WHERE. But I wanted to aks if there is a more cake (sic) way!
i've experienced the same thing when i first try to create a simple search engine with hasmany relationship.
i used multiple $this->find()
and assigned it in a variable then on the paginate code i used$this->paginate(array_merge(name of the variables used in $this->find()));
hope this will help you...