Simple Jquery Question
HI there ... im am trying to create a simple Jquery within Droppable. The page works and allows me to drop a video onto the selected droppable area (div class="roundedVideoDrop"), but I want to stop the user from being able to drop more than 1 video in each div, which has been created.
My code for this is :
activeClass: 'highlight',
hoverClass: 'highlight-accept',
drop: function(event, ui){
if $(this).sibling('video').count() == 0 {
开发者_如何学Python return true;
} else {
return false;
What im attempting to do is to check and see if there is another sibling (i.e another within the ) if there is then the video being dragged cannot be dropped into the , otherwise it is allowed.
This will not work, in fact is kicking up a parse error within Safari and I have been trying all morning to get it working but no luck. Could anyone tell me the correct way of doing it?
Thanks so much
Try $(this).sibling('video').size()
instead of $(this).sibling('video').count()
You need to use children not siblings if you are looking inside the current drop zone
activeClass: 'highlight',
hoverClass: 'highlight-accept',
drop: function(event, ui){
return !$(this).children('video').length;