
Delegate Function .net

Having problem understanding Delegate error. Error says expression expected, How do I fix? Thanks for any help.

Here is the offending line (#259)....

mylist.ForEach(Delegate Function(P As linkItem) As System.Char[] )

Here is the entire code.

<script language="VB" runat="server">  

    Function sectionTitle(ByRef f As String)

        'Open a file for reading
        'Dim FILENAME As String = Server.MapPath("index.asp")
        Dim FILENAME As String = f

        'Get a StreamReader class that can be used to read the file
        Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader
        objStreamReader = File.OpenText(FILENAME)

        'Now, read the entire file into a string
        Dim contents As String = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd()

        'search string for <title>some words</title>     
        Dim resultText As Match = Regex.Match(contents, "(<title>(?<t>.*?)</title>)")
        'put result into new string
        Dim HtmlTitle As String = resultText.Groups("t").Value

        Return HtmlTitle

        ' If HtmlTitle <> "" Then

        ' Else
        'Response.Write("<ul><li>b: " & contents & "</a></li></ul>")

       ' End If

    End Function

    Public Class linkItem

        Public myName As String
        Public myValue As String

        Public Sub New(ByVal myName As String, ByVal myValue As String)

            Me.myName = myName

            Me.myValue = myValue

        End Sub 'New 

    End Class 'linkItem

    Sub DirSearch(ByVal sDir As String)

        Dim d As String
        Dim f As String
        Dim mylist As New List(Of linkItem)

            For Each d In Directory.GetDirectories(sDir)
                'Response.Write("test c")

                For Each f In Directory.GetFiles("" & d & "", "index.asp")

                    'Response.Write("test a")                   
                    Dim sTitle As String = sectionTitle(f)
                    'remove wilbur wright college - from sTitle string
                    sTitle = Regex.Replace(sTitle, "My College - ", "")
                    'print section title - must come before search n replace string
                    f = Regex.Replace(f, "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\pathtosite\\", "")
                    'add to list
                    mylist.Add(New linkItem(f, sTitle))
                    'print links as list
                    'Response.Write("<ul><li><a href='" & f & "'>" & sTitle & "<开发者_如何学Python;/a></li></ul>")
                    mylist.ForEach(Delegate Function(P As linkItem) As System.Char[] ) 
                    If (True) Then
                        Response.Write("<ul><li><a href='" & P.myValue & "'>" & P.myName & "</a></li></ul>")
                    End If

        Catch excpt As System.Exception
            'Response.Write("test b")
        End Try
    End Sub

    'Dim sDir As New DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(""))

    Call DirSearch((Server.MapPath("")))

It depends on what you are trying to do. You are missing the function body. But you probably need to change that line to something like this:

mylist.ForEach(AddressOf ProcessLink)

Then you need to create a sub, like so:

Sub ProcessLink(li As linkItem)
    ' Do stuff here
End Sub

I think the function body is missing.

The delegate is missing the function code to execute (as @Yogendra indicates) and also, VB.Net does not understand char[]. Perhaps you mean char().





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