
Is this JavaScript encoding properly written?

I have tried some tips I was given on regards URL encoding but I have no success so far. First, I was given this format,

var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?title=" 
      + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductNa开发者_如何学运维me%%) 
      + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent("http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/" 
          + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%) 
          + "&imgurl=" + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%) 
          + "&desc=" + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%) 
          + "&price=" + encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%));

which never got to be passed to the href dunno for what reason. Then I played with it some more,

var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?title=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%)&url=http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%)&imgurl=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%)&desc=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%)&price=encodeURIComponent(%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%)";

this time the URL was passed but the values were mixed between the appropriate and other fields displaying the encoding function itself.

Any help clarifying my mistakes is greatly appreciated. I would like to encode just price and description, seems to be the fields giving problems.

A regular link does render without problems

var url = "www.google.com";

var myAnchor = document.getElementById('myAnchor');

myAnchor.href = url;

Thanks for any help

Nicer, cleaner way of doing this:

var toEncode = {
  title:    '%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%',
  url:      'http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%',
  imgurl:   '%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%',
  desc:     '%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%',
  price:    '%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%%'

var index, queryString = '';

for (index in toEncode)
  queryString += index + '=' + encodeURIComponent(toEncode[index]) + '&';

var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?" + queryString;

jQuery's $.param(obj) is very nice.

In general though I would take a similar approach if you wanted to roll your own. Make a function that accepts an Object, and returns a query string. Then in your server template, you have:

var urlData = {
  url: "http://lilaboutique.co.uk/products/",
  imgurl: "%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%%",
  desc: "%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%%"
  // etc...

var url = "http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/add?" + $.param(urlData);

Or whatever conversion function you want to use.





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