MySQL: Getting connected (similar) data with lef/right fields
In MySQL Im having two tables:
- PRODUCTS (id, Name)
- SEEALSO (id, prodLeft, prodRight)
SEEALSO defines which PRODUCTS are related together and are represented as binded fileds "prodLeft"-"prodRight". For Example:
- 1 Desk
- 2 Table
- 3 Chair
- 4 Doors
- 5 Tree
- 6 Flower
- 1 1 2
- 2 2 3
- 3 3 4
- 4 5 6
From that we can see binding of Desk-Table-Chair-Doors and Tree-Flower. I would now want to write SQL statement where I could specifie PRODUCT name (e.g. Chair) and i would get result of binded fields that are connected with it (e.g. Chair: Desk-Table-Chair-Doors). From this point on i would like to know if this is even possible for my data presentation concept in SEEALSO and if it is if you could help me solve my problem.开发者_开发问答
As you're wondering whether it's even possible, you could look into this information on Nested Sets, which is the MySQL way of doing this (I gather).
I could not give you a worked sample, as I'm no MySQL expert: perhaps this will help you enough given the general nature of your question.