Load jar file locally
Let's say I have a jar file and I want users to load it locally from the Internet... to speed up the loading I say... how would I go about doing that?
Like when you access it from http://mydomain.com... the jar file is from my documents/game/test.jar开发者_JAVA百科
Look up the URLClassLoader class, I think it will do what you want.
Here is a good description:
EDIT: Forget it, Unsigned Applets cannot create ClassLoaders.
For an Applet you will need to download everything at once.
It is exactly the purpose of JNLP files (also called "Java Web Start"). Or I have misunderstood your problem...
You can find the official documentation on Oracle website : http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/javaws/developersguide/syntax.html
An example famous application using this system : SweetHome3D
I'm not sure if I understand your question, but it sounds like you want Java Web Start. http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/webstart/index.html
You would create a jnlp file, and put a link to it on your website. Java will take care of downloading the file and starting it. The .jar file would be stored in a cache, and it shouldn't need to be redownloaded unless the cache is cleared or you replace your old .jar file with a new one.