SQL help, selecting specific columns
I have a nvarchar column which also has non-English (a-z) characters like Crystal77, Bólido Comidas.
How can I specifically select the rows which con开发者_StackOverflow中文版tain non-English characters in that column?
All rows where any character not in the range a-z
I've used COLLATE with a binary collation to remove the false match against ó... it appears LIKE is ignoring accents but that could be because it's unicode
DECLARE @myTable TABLE (myColumn nvarchar(100))
INSERT @myTable (myColumn) VALUES ('Crystal77'), ('Bólido Comidas'), ('PlainEnglish')
SELECT * FROM @myTable
WHERE myColumn COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT LIKE '%[^ a-zA-Z]%'