Is it possible to use MPMediaPickerController to load audio files from library and save to document directory?
Is it possible to use MPMediaPickerController开发者_StackOverflow社区 to load audio files from library and save to document directory?
Welcome any comment.
I know this question is a few months old, but iOS 4.0 and later do provide the ability to copy a song from the iPod library to your application's documents directory via the AVAssetExportSession class.
There are a few drawbacks with AVAssetExportSession, so I would recommend that anyone wanting to import files without having to transcode them all to AAC have a look at TSLibraryImport.
AVAssetReader can also be used if you're interested in directly accessing un-compressed linear PCM data without having to first copy the file and then using Core Audio to access the data.
You have implement the MPMediaPickerControllerDelegate protocol's mediaPicker:didPickMediaItems: function. I think, you could save the picked data there as you desire.