
What book about OSX internals can you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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There's http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321278542/ but it looks a bit dated. Specificaly, it talks about bits that are no longer in use (powerpc bootloader for example) on modern machines.

So, my question really is: is there any other book, as comprehensive and detailed as this one?

EDIT: There's a new book which seems to be relevant: Mac OS X Internals - To The Apple's Core.

No, but it's still a great book. The internal hasn't changed that much; once you get the broad idea by reading that book, you can directly go to http://opensource.apple.com/ and read the latest kernel source code without problems.

There is also a new book coming out "OS X Internals", the designated sequel to Amit Singh's book:


At the moment it is still in development, but hopefully the "late 2014" deadline will not be pushed back (too much) further!





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