
Importing MSHTML_TLB results in 12 Mb source file!

Also "generate component wrappers" does not seem to have any effect on if they're generated or not: even with this checkbox cleared when I later add the TLB into the package and install the package, it installs ~ 100 components.

What to do?

Apparently the space is mostly taken by "OLE Server Proxy class declaration" and "OLE Server Properties Proxy Class", of which two are made for every object in the TLB, and their implementation code. Why the hell do I need these? Can I instruct Delphi not to generate them?

Delphi version: Delphi 2007 for Win32 buil开发者_StackOverflowd 11.0.2902.10471

Closing my own question, summarizing the results:

  1. Indeed, the bugs are there (both the Delphi 2007 IDE more or less disregarding the "generate component wrappers" checkbox and freezing when dealing with 12 mb file).
  2. One solution is to delete the component wrappers from the file manually, then to not reimport it accidentally.
  3. Another one is to import the file not through the IDE, but via tlibimp (Delphi command-line tool to import type libraries). This one has a lot of settings to choose from, so you can probably trim the size down.




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