Specifying a callback in jQuery.ajax to OpenCalais SemanticProxy service
I'm trying to query the OpenCalais service semanticproxy.com. Unfortunately, their url format is as follows:
notice that the function callback, is not in a callback=? parameter, but rather follows the response format (jsonp:). This means that I can't use .getJSON, but rather need to use the .ajax method. So I have the following object definition:
function Subject() {
Subject.prototype.populate = function(page_title) {
var url = "http://service.semanticproxy.com/processurl/APIKEY/jsonp:handler/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + page_title;
$.ajax({url: url, dataType: "script", type: "GET", cache: false, callback: null, data: null});
var handler = function (data) {
// do stuff with the returned JSON
s = new Subject();
This works fine. But what I really want to do is set properties of my Subject object. But I don't know how to create a function in the context of the Subject that will be able to be used as the callback. i.e:
Subject开发者_开发问答.prototype.handler = function(data) { this.title = data.title }
Any ideas?
You'd have to set a function on the window
object. This is essentially (I think) what jQuery does with its .getJSON method. The below is a bit hacky but hopefully it points you in the right direction:
function Subject() {
Subject.prototype.populate = function(page_title) {
// Save context object
var subject = this;
// Create function name like subjectHandler1281092055198
var functionName = "subjectHandler" + new Date().getTime();
window[functionName] = function(data) {
// Invoke function with saved context and parameter
subject.handler.call(subject, data);
var url = "http://service.semanticproxy.com/processurl/APIKEY/jsonp:" + functionName + "/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + page_title;
$.ajax({url: url, dataType: "script", type: "GET", cache: false, callback: null, data: null});
Subject.prototype.handler = function (data) {
// do stuff with the returned JSON
s = new Subject();
I don't think you're going to be able to do this, just because of how JSONP works, look at how it actually comes back to the browser, it pretty much does this:
<script type="text/javascript">
handler({ title: "Germany", ...other properties... });
There's no way to maintain a reference here, you could do one request at a time, or keep an object map for each subject, but there's no way to do it in the JSONP request.
An object map would look something like this:
//delcare this once for the page
var subjects = {};
//do this per subject
var s = new Subject();
subjects["Germany"] = s;
Then in your hanldler, if any of the data
properties is "Germany"
, you could get it that way, for example:
var handler = function (data) {
var subject = subjects[data.title];
//subject is your Germany subject, use it, go nuts!