jsoup tag extraction problem
Elements size = doc.select("div:contains(test:)");
how can i extract the value example and example1 from this html tag....using jsoup..
Since this HTML is not semantic enough for the final purpose you have (a <br>
cannot have children and :
is not HTML), you can't do much with a HTML parser like Jsoup. A HTML parser isn't intented to do the job of specific text extraction/tokenizing.
Best what you can do is to get the HTML content of the <div>
using Jsoup and then extract that further using the usual java.lang.String
or maybe java.util.Scanner
Here's a kickoff example:
String html = "<div style=\"height:240px;\"><br>test: example<br>test1:example1</div>";
Document document = Jsoup.parse(html);
Element div = document.select("div[style=height:240px;]").first();
String[] parts = div.html().split("<br />"); // Jsoup transforms <br> to <br />.
for (String part : parts) {
int colon = part.indexOf(':');
if (colon > -1) {
System.out.println(part.substring(colon + 1).trim());
This results in
example example1
If I was the HTML author, I would have used a definition list for this. E.g.
<dl id="mydl">
This is more semantic and thus more easy parseable:
String html = "<dl id=\"mydl\"><dt>test:</dt><dd>example</dd><dt>test1:</dt><dd>example1</dd></dl>";
Document document = Jsoup.parse(html);
Elements dts = document.select("#mydl dd");
for (Element dt : dts) {