
How to best flatten a tab-delimited table?

Here's an example data table (the data are fake, but in the same format as my business data coming from an external system):

 R1   Pears,Apples,Bananas    10
      Oranges         5
 R2   Apricots        15
      Bananas         222
      Apples,Oranges  15

The data are in a string. Columns are tab-delimited, lines are CRLF-delimited. Output should be the same. Multiple values are comma-delimited.

Here's the "flattened" output desired:

 R1   Pears     10
 R1   Apples    10
 R1   Bananas   10
 R1   Oranges   5
 R2   Apricots  15
 R2   Bananas   222
 R2   Apples    15
 R2   Oranges   15

Each column is filled down where there are blanks, and columns with multiple values (comma-delimited) are duplicated and filled down in the other columns.

  • Complicating assumption: the number of columns in the input is arbitrary.
  • Simplifying assumption: only one column will be comma-delimited.

I'm working through this with a relatively naive solution (loops and some recursion), but I'd love to see if this is a situation where LINQ or some other solution would be more appropriate.

I'm working in VB.NET at the moment, but C# is fine too.

Here's my answer so far... optimization isn't terribly important for me, but clarity is always a good thing.

Public Shared Function FlattenPlainTextTable(ByVal InputTable As String) As String
  Const RowDelimiter As String = vbCRLF
  Const ColDelimiter As String = vbTab
  Const MultDelimiter As String = ","
  ''// First pass: determine the number of columns and which column if any contains
  ''// multiple values; build a new collection of rows pre-split into columns so the
  ''// split work can be reused for the second pass.
  Dim rows As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String())
  Dim maxColumnIndex As Integer
  Dim multiValueColumnIndex As Integer = -1
  Dim thisRow() As String
  Dim foundComma As Integer
  For Each row As String In Split(InputTable, RowDelimiter)
    thisRow = Split(row, ColDelimiter)
    maxColumnIndex = Math.Max(maxColumnIndex, thisRow.GetUpperBound(0))
    If multiValueColumnIndex < 0 Then
      ''// We haven't found a multi-value column yet. Function only supports,
      ''// at maximum, one multi-value column. Look for a comma in this cell,
      ''// and if found, make this the multi-value column.
      foundComma = row.IndexOf(MultDelimiter)
      If foundComma > 0 Then
        Dim beforeComma As String
        beforeComma = row.Substring(0, foundComma - 1)
        ''// The column index is the number of column delimiters found before
        ''// the comma. Faster than splitting into an array and looking for
        ''// the comma.
        multiValueColumnIndex = beforeComma.Length - beforeComma.Replace(ColDelimiter, "").Length
      End If
    End If
  ''// If no multi-value column was found, pretend it's the first column--simpler
  ''// logic to assume there is one.
  If multiValueColumnIndex < 0 Then multiValueColumnIndex = 0
  ''// Initialize lastRow with the maximum number of columns found in the original
  ''// lastRow is used to fill down values where blanks are found on subsequent rows.
  Dim lastRow() As String = Split(New String(","c, maxColumnIndex + 1), ",")
  Dim outputTable As New StringBuilder()
  Dim thisVal As String
  Dim MuliValueColumnValues() As String
  Dim multiValues() As String
  For Each ThisRow In Rows
    ''// Get the multi-value column's data first so we know how many times to repeat the row.
    If ThisRow.GetUpperBound(0) < multiValueCol开发者_如何学编程umnIndex Then
      ''// If the multi-value column is after the jagged edge of this row, create an array of
      ''// one blank value.
      MuliValueColumnValues = Split("", MultDelimiter) ''// assures GetUpperBound(0)=0
      MuliValueColumnValues = Split(ThisRow(multiValueColumnIndex), MultDelimiter)
    End If
    ''// Repeat this row for as many multi-value values were found
    For RowRepeat As Integer = 0 To MuliValueColumnValues.GetUpperBound(0)
      For columnIndex As Integer = 0 To MaxColumnIndex
        If columnIndex = multiValueColumnIndex Then
          ''// Value is one of the multiple-value values
          thisVal = MuliValueColumnValues(RowRepeat)
        ElseIf ThisRow.GetUpperBound(0) < columnIndex Then
          ''// This row's jagged edge already ended, default to blank
          thisVal = ""
          thisVal = ThisRow(columnIndex)
        End If
        If thisVal = "" Then
          ''// Fill down
          thisVal = lastRow(columnIndex)
          ''// Change the fill-down value for next time. (Fill-down only
          ''// fills down the *last* value in the multi-value column, not
          ''// the whole set.)
          lastRow(columnIndex) = thisVal
        End If
        If columnIndex > 0 Then outputTable.Append(ColDelimiter)
  return outputTable.ToString()
End Function

The following works for a fixed number of columns, how do you want to handle arbitrary number of columns? Can you give an example?

    Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
    Dim fakeData As String = _
    "R1" & vbTab & "Pears,Apples,Bananas" & vbTab & "10" & vbCrLf & _
    vbTab & "Oranges" & vbTab & "5" & vbCrLf & _
    "R2" & vbTab & "Apricots" & vbTab & "15" & vbCrLf & _
    vbTab & "Bananas" & vbTab & "222" & vbCrLf & _
    vbTab & "Apples,Oranges" & vbTab & "15"

    Dim allLines() As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Split(fakeData, vbCrLf)
    Dim firstColText As String = String.Empty
    For Each line As String In allLines
        Dim allCols() As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Split(line, vbTab)
        Dim allFruits() As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Split(allCols(1), ",")
        If allCols(0).Length > 0 Then firstColText = allCols(0)
        For Each fruit As String In allFruits




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