
Problem extracting text from text file perfectly in VB6

I am working on a VB6 project and I need to extract plain text from a text file. Here is code of the function I used to do that:

Private Function FileGetText(TextFile As String) As String
Dim FileContent As String
Dim TextLine As String
Dim n As Integer
n = FreeFile
Open TextFile For Input As #n 'Open given Text File
Do Until EOF(n)
    Input #n, TextLine
    FileContent = FileContent & TextLine & vbCrLf 'Initialize text file contents line-by-line to FileContent variable
Close #n
FileGetText = FileContent 
End Function

The problem with this function is that, though it reads text from file line by line, but 开发者_StackOverflow社区when encounters (,) coma in the string, it takes the suffixed string as in another line, how can I prevent it from doing so and take (,) literally?

Thanks in advance.

Input is designed for a comma delimited file, try using Line Input as follows:

Private Function FileGetText(TextFile As String) As String
 Dim FileContent As String
 Dim TextLine As String
 Dim n As Integer
 n = FreeFile
 Open TextFile For Input As #n 'Open given Text File
 Do Until EOF(n)
     Line Input #n, TextLine
     FileContent = FileContent & TextLine & vbCrLf 'Initialize text file contents line-by-line to FileContent variable
 Close #n
 FileGetText = FileContent 
End Function




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