
Editing multiple array values (if they exist)

Well guys i've been struggling with this for about 5 hours now and i realise my brain is fried thought i better get some people who know what they are doing :p Now i just have to explain the problem properly.

I want to display all the goal scorers with just their name and goal time for each separate goal after it like: Carlton Dickson (23, 53) Danniel Tasker (1).

The only way i could think to do this is replace the array with a new one which has in it all the goals in element. So making one row for the names and one row with all the goals in them. Maybe i am not looking at this the right way?

Cheers dudes.

array(8) {   

    [0]=>   array(3) {  

         string(7) "Carlton"
         string(7) "Dickson"
         string(2) "23"   

    [1]=>   array(3) {

         string(7) "Carlton"
         string(7) "Dickson"
         string(2) "53"  

    [2]=>   array(3) {

         string(6) "Daniel"
       开发者_高级运维  string(6) "Tasker"
         string(1) "1"   

You could rebuild your array this way:

$newArray = array();

foreach($array as $player) {
    $name = $player['fname'] . " " . $player["sname"];
    if(!array_key_exists($name, $newArray)) {
        $newArray[$name] = array();
    $newArray[$name][] = $player['time'];

The resulting array will be:

    [Carlton Dickson] => Array
            [0] => 23
            [1] => 53

    [Daniel Tasker] => Array
            [0] => 1


i.e. the key is the name, and the value is an array of the goals. Of course you can also concatenate the goals as a string, it depends on what else you want to do with the data.

Then printing is just a matter of traversing the array:

foreach($newArray as $player => $goals) {
    echo $player . " (" . implode(',', $goals) . ") <br />"; // or PHP_EOL

$scorers = array();

foreach ($goals as $goal) {
    $name = "{$goal['fname']} {$goal['sname']}";
    $scorers[$name] = isset($scorers[$name]) ? "{$scorers[$name]}, {$goal['time']}" : $goal['time'];

foreach ($scorers as $scorer => $goals) {
    echo "$scorer ($goals)";

Assuming you have a $goals array like so:

$goals = array(
    array('fname' => 'Carlton', 'sname' => 'Dickson', 'time' => '23'),
    array('fname' => 'Carlton', 'sname' => 'Dickson', 'time' => '53'),
    array('fname' => 'Daniel',  'sname' => 'Tasker',  'time' => '1')




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