SQL to query the maximum number of available items for a specific period (reservation system)
For a reservation system there is an inventory table and each item has a quantity (e.g. there are 20 chairs). Now the user can make a reservation for a specific period (e.g. 5 chairs for two hours "2010-11-23 15:00" - "2010-11-23 17:00"; another reservation could be for several days "2010-11-24 11:00" - "2010-11-26 14:00").
What's the best way to check, how many items are still available for the requested period?
The user should enter the time he wants to make a reservation (from, until) and he should see how many inventory items are still available for this period.
table "inventory"
inventory_id (int)
quantity (int)
table "reservation"
reservation_id (int)
inventory_id (int)
quantity (int)
from (datetime)
until (datetime)
The reservations can be overlapping, but for a point in time, only 开发者_运维知识库inventory.quantity items should be reserved.
Simple Example:
We have 40 chairs.
The following reservations exist:
R1 2010-11-23 14:00 - 2010-11-23 15:30 -> 5 chairs reserved
R2 2010-11-23 15:00 - 2010-11-23 16:00 -> 10 chairs reserved
R3 2010-11-23 17:00 - 2010-11-23 17:30 -> 20 chairs reserved
A user makes several reservation requests (queries):
Q1 2010-11-23 15:00 - 2010-11-23 17:00 -> 25 chairs are available
Q2 2010-11-23 15:45 - 2010-11-23 17:00 -> 30 chairs are available
Q3 2010-11-23 16:30 - 2010-11-23 18:00 -> 30 chairs are available
Q4 2010-11-23 15:10 - 2010-11-23 15:20 -> 25 chairs are available
Q5 2010-11-23 13:30 - 2010-11-23 17:30 -> 20 chairs are available
How would I query the maximum available quantity for a requested period? Or is a different table design needed? The target database systems are Oracle and SQL-Server.
I tried to "visualize" the reservations R1 and R2 and the queries Q1 - Q5 without changing the original examples. I added Q4 and Q5 as additional examples. av shows the available count.
R1 R2 R3 av
13:30 40 Q5
14:00 5 35 Q5
14:30 5 35 Q5
15:00 5 10 25 Q1 Q5
15:10 5 10 25 Q1 Q4 Q5
15:20 5 10 25 Q1 Q5
15:30 10 30 Q1 Q5
15:45 10 30 Q1 Q2 Q5
16:00 40 Q1 Q2 Q5
16:30 40 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q5
17:00 20 20 Q3 Q5
av 25 30 20 25 20
You could try something like this (full working example)
DECLARE @inventory TABLE(
inventory_id int,
quantity int
DECLARE @reservation TABLE(
reservation_id int,
inventory_id int,
quantity int,
[from] datetime,
until datetime
INSERT INTO @inventory SELECT 1, 40
INSERT INTO @reservation SELECT 1, 1, 5, '2010-11-23 14:00 ', '2010-11-23 15:30'
INSERT INTO @reservation SELECT 1, 1, 10, '2010-11-23 15:00 ', '2010-11-23 16:00'
SELECT @Start = '2010-11-23 15:00',
@End = '2010-11-23 17:00'
SELECT TotalUsed.inventory_id,
i.quantity - ISNULL(TotalUsed.TotalUsed,0) Available
FROM @inventory i LEFT JOIN
SELECT inventory_id,
SUM(quantity) TotalUsed
FROM @reservation
WHERE [from] BETWEEN @Start AND @End
OR until BETWEEN @Start AND @End
GROUP BY inventory_id
) TotalUsed ON TotalUsed.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
SELECT @Start = '2010-11-23 15:45',
@End = '2010-11-23 17:00'
SELECT TotalUsed.inventory_id,
i.quantity - ISNULL(TotalUsed.TotalUsed,0) Available
FROM @inventory i LEFT JOIN
SELECT inventory_id,
SUM(quantity) TotalUsed
FROM @reservation
WHERE [from] BETWEEN @Start AND @End
OR until BETWEEN @Start AND @End
GROUP BY inventory_id
) TotalUsed ON TotalUsed.inventory_id = i.inventory_id
inventory_id Available
------------ -----------
1 25
inventory_id Available
------------ -----------
1 30
Using SQLServer syntax:
SELECT i.inventory_id,
MAX(i.quantity) - COALESCE(SUM(r.quantity), 0) AS available
ON (r.inventory_id = i.inventory_id AND
r.[from] <= @End AND
r.until >= @Start)
GROUP BY i.inventory_id
I assume the supplied structures are a simplified version of the actual structures being used - if not, I recommend against using keywords such as FROM as column names.
EDIT: new query, assuming bookings are only to the nearest minute and never more than one week long:
with number_cte(n, n2) as
(select n, n+1 n2 from (select 0 n) m union all select n+1 n, n2+1 n2
from number_cte where n < datediff("mi",@start,@end))
SELECT i.inventory_id, max(i.quantity) - COALESCE(max(a.alloc), 0) AS available
from INVENTORY as i
(select n.datesel, r.inventory_id, sum(r.quantity) alloc from
(select dateadd("mi",n,@Start) datesel from number_cte) as n
ON n.datesel between r.[from] AND r.until
GROUP BY n.datesel, r.inventory_id) a
on i.inventory_id = a.inventory_id
GROUP BY i.inventory_id option (maxrecursion 10080)
This would actually be easier in Oracle, as you could use a connect by level rather than a CTE - if you are going to have reservations longer than one week, you will need to increase the maxrecursion number accordingly.