
Recommended Open Source C# algorithms & data structures libraries [closed]

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What algorithms libraries can you recommend? The basic criteria are:

  • Capabilities
  • Object Oriented Design
  • Performance

Algorithms libraries I have used and can recommend:

  • QuickGraph - for graph algorithms
  • C5 - for data structures that have not been included in .NET framework
  • NetTopologySuite - for spatial processing and algorithms

I haven't found any good text/string algorithm library and 2D Geometry library.

Aumplib namespace for Audio Conversion

Wintellect's Power Collections

NCalc - C# embedable extensible mathematical expression library

SharpMap - Geospacial application framework for the CLR

You can also check out my open source project, called NList. It is found at http://nlist.codeplex.com.

NList has a library of algorithms similar to those provided by C++'s STL, but geared for.NET development. It also has a powerful text generator similar to handlebars.js. NList has one of the best custom comparison builders out there. There's a class for treating an object like a dictionary of its properties. There's a default dictionary class. There's also a conversion method that "just works". Plus there are a few other collection wrappers.





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