build relationship from list of ids
Hi I have has_and_belongs_to_many
relationship between Posts and Comments and in my edit action I have form that returns me list of ids 1,3,5,8
etc. I want build relationship between my current model and all models which ids are in the list so @post.comments
will return Comments with 1,3,5,8
In fact I need execute
DELETE FROM comments_posts
WHERE post_id =
INSERT INTO comments_posts VALUES
or do something similar
params[:list] ||= [] # Create an empty array if form is empty
@posts.comment_ids = params[:list] # Recreate comment associations
See also the Railscast about HABTM Checkboxes.
Maybe you are looking something like this.
list = params[:list].join(',') # Assumes space separated to begin with
@posts.comments.find(:conditions => ["id IN (?)", list])
Aside: I am surprised by the HABTM relationship in your application. Do you really mean that a post can have many comments and a comment can belong to many posts? Surely a comment belongs to only one post, no?
Nevertheless, I believe you can achieve what you're looking for as follows (using your examples):
It's just basic associations in ActiveRecord