
Server halts due to large StringBuilder instance in memory

So, I have this code that grabs a bunch of data from the database, and performs a bunch of calculations on that data. However, this is not what is causing the halt. The halt is coming in when I take all that "final" data that has been prepared, and go to write that into a text file.

Each line i开发者_StackOverflow中文版n the text file is being created from data that has had calculations performed on it. Each line "corresponds" to a record from the database. A user will have to perform this file export usually on about 30-40 thousand records at a time. Now, even though I am using a StringBuilder, this still halts because of the pure mass amount of records.

What I do currently in the code is create one StringBuilder, append all the data (after calcs) to it, convert it to a String, add it to a List(Of String) to be returned from the Function, and then clear the StringBuilder, and do the same for the next row, and I do this until each row has been created and appended, converted, and then inserted into the List.

Then, another class receives this List(Of String) and takes each String and eventually appends it to a file.

Does anyone have an idea of how to improve this code and make it so it doesn't halt the server every time? The reason it wasn't found out until now is because when I tested it locally I was testing it on only 1-50 records at a time.

Thanks ahead of time!


r = Class.ExportFile(ID)
data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(r.ResponseString)

Return File(data, "text/plain", r.DefaultFileName)


Return an IEnumerable instead of a big string or a list of strings and write a line at a time to the file. That way you can evaluate the data lazily, so you don't need to keep huge strings around. e.g.

IEnumerable<string> Process() {
   var rows = QueryTheDatabase();
   foreach(var row in rows) {
      yield return ProcessARecord(row);//process and build a string of
                                         //one row

The caller just does a foreach over the returned IEnumerable and writes each line to a file.

It certainly sounds to me that you would be better off writing much of the data straight out into a file - by all means write a line at a time to a StringBuilder, but then write the resultant string out to the file that you're ultimately exporting to. This'll keep memory usage down, and if you're using a StreamWriter the writes will be buffered and performance should not suffer noticeably.

You're probably hitting memory fragmentation issues. Playing with REALLY large dynamic data structures in a 32-bit world tends to cause this. Personally I have only hit this with a 300mb string but I normally avoid getting into the situation so that doesn't say too much.

As others have said, break it up so you don't have such a large string.

Use an IEnumerable/iterator block rather than a List. The conversion is pretty simple: change the return type of the function from List<string> to IEnumerable<string> and then where ever you currently call your list's .Add() method change the line to use yield return instead. Then also change your other class to accept an IEnumerable<string> rather than List<string>. You may need to do a similar conversion to other methods as well, so that the entire chain from the database is processed this way.

What this will do is make it so that you only keep one record in memory at a time. Each record will be converted to a string and processed by your output method on the fly.





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