
using a table in an sql condition without incorporating that table's contents into the results

Say I have four tables, users, contacts, files, and userfiles.

Users can upload files and have contacts. They can choose to share their uploaded files with their contacts.

When a user selects one or more of their uploaded files, I want to show a list of their contacts that they are not already sharing all of their selected files with. So if they selected one file, it'd show the contacts that can't already see that file. If the selected multip开发者_如何学编程le files, it'd show the contacts that can't already see all of the files.

Right now I'm trying a query like this (using sqlite3):

select users.user_id, users.display_name
from users, contacts, userfiles
where contacts.user_id = :user_id
and contacts.contact_id = users.user_id
and (
    userfiles.user_id != users.user_id
    and userfiles.file_id != :file_id

Note that the last line is auto-generated in a loop in the case of multiple selected files.

Where :user_id is the user trying to share the file, and :file_id is the file which, if a user can already see that file, they are omitted from the result. What I end up with is a list of contacts which are sharing any files other than the selected one, so if the user is sharing multiple files with any one contact, that contact shows up in the list multiple times.

How can I avoid the duplicates? I just want to check if the file is already being shared, not grab all of the contents of userfiles that don't involve a particular file or files.

select users.user_id, users.display_name from users, contacts as c where c.user_id = :user_id and c.contact_id = users.user_id and not exists ( select user_id from userfiles as uf where uf.user_id = c.contact_id and uf.file_id in (:file_ids) );

Note that :file_ids is all your file_id's, seperated with commas. No more looping to run multiple queries!


This is the data I'm running as a test:

create table users (user_id integer primary key, display_name text);
insert into users values (1,"bob");
insert into users values (2,"jim");
insert into users values (3,"bill");
insert into users values (4,"martin");
insert into users values (5,"carson");

create table contacts values (user_id integer, contact_id integer);
insert into contacts select u1.user_id, u2.user_id from users u1, users u2 where ui.user_id!=u2.user_id;

create table userfiles (user_id integer, file_id integer);
insert into userfiles values (1,10);
insert into userfiles values (2,10);
insert into userfiles values (3,10);
insert into userfiles values (4,10);
insert into userfiles values (1,20);
insert into userfiles values (2,30);

Then, if I run my query with :user_id = 5 and :files_id = 20,30, I get:

select users.user_id, users.display_name
from users, contacts as c
where c.user_id = 5
and c.contact_id = users.user_id
and not exists (
    select user_id
    from userfiles as uf
    where uf.user_id = c.contact_id
    and uf.file_id in (20,30)

3     |bill
4     |martin

That seems like what you want, as I understand it, that is, the only users who do not have all the file ID's. If I misunderstood something, please let me know.

This seemed to work, not sure if it's optimal but it is the only way I could figure it out:

select users.user_id, users.display_name
from users, contacts
where contacts.user_id = :user_id
and contacts.contact_id = users.user_id
and (
    select count(*)
    from userfiles
    where userfiles.user_id = users.user_id
    and userfiles.file_id in (:file_ids)
) < :number_of_files;

It selects all contacts, except the ones that match all of the file_ids. It does select the contacts which match some of the file_ids, since it grabs the count of contacts matching the specified IDs, and then checks if that is less than the number of ids that were provided.





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