
What are Delphi 7 and Delphi 2009 differences which deals with characters, strings, unicode and the like?

I had a class that only worked in Delphi 7 and after several attempts of converting it into Delphi 2009 we finally agreed to change o开发者_如何学JAVAur project into Delphi 7.

The project more or less done, but I want to give the 2009 thing another shot.

Aside from Sizeof(Char) equals 1 in Delphi 7 and 2 in Delphi 2009, what are other changes that I need to be aware of?

Additional: It might help to know what I'm converting into 2009, so HERE it is. It's the unit HanInput; part. It translates keys (in english) and outputs the Korean characters. The way he uses the indexes is really confusing, each Korean character HAD a size of 2 so a lot of that code must be changed.

Sadly, I don't understand Korean, so it's pretty hard for me to guess the some semblance of an algorithm.

Dian you can check this paper Delphi and Unicode from Marco Cantù, wich explain in a great way the Unicode string support in Delphi.





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