
Groovy parsing text file

I have a file log that I would like to parse and am having some issues. At first it seemed it would be simple. I'll go ahead and po开发者_StackOverflowst the source I have come up with and then explain what I am trying to do.

The file I'm trying to parse contains this data:

HDD Device 0 : /dev/sda
HDD Model ID  : ST3160815A
HDD Serial No : 5RA020QY
HDD Revision  : 3.AAA
HDD Size     : 152628 MB
Interface    : IDE/ATA
Temperature         : 33 C
Health  : 100%
Performance  : 70%
Power on Time : 27 days, 13 hours
Est. Lifetime : more than 1000 days

HDD Device 1 : /dev/sdb
HDD Serial No : 97LVF9MHS
HDD Revision  : DL130M
HDD Size     : 114473 MB
Interface    : S-ATA
Temperature  : 30 C
Health  : 100%
Performance  : 100%
Power on Time : 38 days, 11 hours
Est. Lifetime : more than 1000 days

My source code (below) basically breaks up the file line by line and then splits the line into two (key:value).


def dataList = [:]
def theInfoName = "C:\\testdata.txt"

File theInfoFile = new File(theInfoName)

def words
def key
def value

if (!theInfoFile.exists()) {
     println "File does not exist"

} else {

 theInfoFile.eachLine { line ->

 if (line.trim().size() == 0) {
  return null

 } else {

  words = line.split("\t: ")

  println "${words[0]}=${words[1]}"

 println "$dataList.Performance"  //test if Performance has over-written the previous Performance value

The problem with my source is that when I use my getters (such as $dataList.Performance) it only shows the last one in the file rather than two.

So I'm wondering, how do I parse the file so that it keeps the information for both hard drives? Is there a way to pack the info into a 'hard drive object'?

Any and all help is appreciated

A few side notes:

The file is on a windows machine (even though the info is grabbed from a nix system)

The text file is split by a tab, colon, and space (like shown in my source code) just thought I would state that because it doesn't look like that on this page.

This will read the data in blocks (with blank lines separating the blocks)

def dataList = []
def theInfoName = 'testdata.txt'

File theInfoFile = new File( theInfoName )

if( !theInfoFile.exists() ) {
  println "File does not exist"
} else {
  def driveInfo = [:]
  // Step through each line in the file
  theInfoFile.eachLine { line ->
    // If the line isn't blank
    if( line.trim() ) {
      // Split into a key and value
      def (key,value) = line.split( '\t: ' ).collect { it.trim() }
      // and store them in the driveInfo Map
      driveInfo."$key" = value
    else {
      // If the line is blank, and we have some info
      if( driveInfo ) {
        // store it in the list
        dataList << driveInfo
        // and clear it
        driveInfo = [:]
  // when we've finished the file, store any remaining data
  if( driveInfo ) {
    dataList << driveInfo

dataList.eachWithIndex { it, index ->
  println "Drive $index"
  it.each { k, v ->
    println "\t$k = $v"

Fingers crossed you have blank lines between your HDD info sections (you showed one in your test data) :-)

btw: I get the following output:

Drive 0
    HDD Device 0 = /dev/sda
    HDD Model ID = ST3160815A
    HDD Serial No = 5RA020QY
    HDD Revision = 3.AAA
    HDD Size = 152628 MB
    Interface = IDE/ATA
    Temperature = 33 C
    Health = 100%
    Performance = 70%
    Power on Time = 27 days, 13 hours
    Est. Lifetime = more than 1000 days
Drive 1
    HDD Device 1 = /dev/sdb
    HDD Model ID = TOSHIBA MK1237GSX
    HDD Serial No = 97LVF9MHS
    HDD Revision = DL130M
    HDD Size = 114473 MB
    Interface = S-ATA
    Temperature = 30 C
    Health = 100%
    Performance = 100%
    Power on Time = 38 days, 11 hours
    Est. Lifetime = more than 1000 days

Messing around, I also got the code down to:

def dataList = []
def theInfoFile = new File( 'testdata.txt' )

if( !theInfoFile.exists() ) {
  println "File does not exist"
} else {
  // Split the text of the file into blocks separated by \n\n
  // Then, starting with an empty list go through each block of text in turn
  dataList = theInfoFile.text.split( '\n\n' ).inject( [] ) { list, block ->
    // Split the current block into lines (based on the newline char)
    // Then starting with an empty map, go through each line in turn
    // when done, add this map to the list we created in the line above
    list << block.split( '\n' ).inject( [:] ) { map, line ->
      // Split the line up into a key and a value (trimming each element)
      def (key,value) = line.split( '\t: ' ).collect { it.trim() }
      // Then, add this key:value mapping to the map we created 2 lines above
      map << [ (key): value ] // The leftShift operator also returns the map 
                              // the inject closure has to return the accumulated
                              // state each time the closure is called

dataList.eachWithIndex { it, index ->
  println "Drive $index"
  it.each { k, v ->
    println "\t$k = $v"

But that has to load the whole file into memory at once (and relies on \n as the EOL termination char)

Here is my solution:

File file = new File('testdata.txt')
if(file.exists()) {
    def drives = [[:]]
    // Split each line using whitespace:whitespace as the delimeter.
    file.splitEachLine(/\s:\s/) { items ->
        // Lines that did not have the delimeter will have 1 item.
        // Add a new map to the end of the drives list.
        if(items.size() == 1 && drives[-1] != [:]) drives << [:]
        else {
            // Multiple assignment, items[0] => key and items[1] => value
            def (key, value) = items
            drives[-1][key] = value

    drives.eachWithIndex { drive, index ->
        println "Drive $index"
        drive.each {key, value ->
            println "\t$key: $value"




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