<%= %> embedded in Javascript IF Condition
In aspx page:
if (<%= Not Me.ThisVi开发者_开发问答sa.PassportExpirationDate.IsNull %>){
Returns error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'True' is undefined
I tried this:
if ("<%= Me.ThisVisa.PassportExpirationDate.IsNull.ToString %>" != "True"){
..but I get a compile time error:
Error 5 Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'String' to 'Long'
Consider moving the logic into the server script. Doing so will reduce how much JavaScript you emit onto the page.
<% If Not Me.ThisVisa.PassportExpirationDate.IsNull Then %>
// JavaScript Goodness
<% End If %>
What about:
if (<%= (Not Me.ThisVisa.PassportExpirationDate.IsNull).ToString().ToLower() %>){
This will evaluate the Boolean condition and convert it to a string, but you should lower-case it so it looks like JavaScript syntax when it's rendered.
Get rid of the extra spaces. Change to:
if ("<%=Me.ThisVisa.PassportExpirationDate.IsNull.ToString%>" != "True"){
You are missing the parenthesis for the ToString()
update: sry, my bad