Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder doesn't send samples
When I connect Microsoft DTV-DVD Video decoder to my transform filter, it doesn't send media samples. It looks like it only sends samples when renderer is connected to it. Is there anything that my transform should satisfy in order to be connected to MS DTV-DVD video decoder (related to DXVA or something like that). This happens only with some MOV files. Here is connection between DTV-DVD and Renderer:
[Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder]/(Video Output 1) -> [Video Renderer]/(VMR Input0)
Major: ME开发者_JAVA技巧DIATYPE_Video
bFixedSizeSamples: TRUE
bTemporalCompression: FALSE
lSampleSize: 3342336
cbFormat: 1152
rcSource: (0,0,1920,1088)
rcTarget: (0,0,1920,1088)
dwBitRate: 752026352
dwBitErrorRate: 0
AvgTimePerFrame: 333667
dwInterlaceFlags: 129
dwCopyProtectFlags: 1
dwPictAspectRatioX: 1920
dwPictAspectRatioY: 1088
dwControlFlags: 679547009
biSize: 40
biWidth: 2048
biHeight: -1088
biPlanes: 1
biBitCount: 12
biCompression: 0x3231564E
biSizeImage: 3342336
biXPelsPerMeter: 0
biYPelsPerMeter: 0
biClrUsed: 0
biClrImportant: 0
and here is the connection between DTV-DVD and my transform filter:
[Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder]/(Video Output 1) -> [Video Transform]/(XForm In)
Major: MEDIATYPE_Video
Subtype: {30323449-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}
bFixedSizeSamples: TRUE
bTemporalCompression: FALSE
lSampleSize: 3110400
cbFormat: 1136
rcSource: (0,0,1920,1080)
rcTarget: (0,0,1920,1080)
dwBitRate: 746496746
dwBitErrorRate: 0
AvgTimePerFrame: 333333
dwInterlaceFlags: 129
dwCopyProtectFlags: 0
dwPictAspectRatioX: 16
dwPictAspectRatioY: 9
dwControlFlags: 0
biSize: 40
biWidth: 1920
biHeight: 1080
biPlanes: 1
biBitCount: 12
biCompression: 0x30323449
biSizeImage: 3110400
biXPelsPerMeter: 0
biYPelsPerMeter: 0
biClrUsed: 0
biClrImportant: 0
it has something to do with the dwCopyProtectFlags=1! I think the video is copy protected. I have the same problem, but didn't find an answer jet. You can try it with an other decoder like ffdshow,