
How to exit an iPhone app if the terms are rejected?

When the user selects "Reject" on my Terms and Conditions page开发者_JS百科, I'm able to display an alert, but I can't figure out how to exit from the application completely. Is there a way to do that?

Apple discourages apps from quitting themselves—it gives the user the impression that the app has crashed—and based on the fact that I've never seen an app display terms-and-conditions nonsense when it starts up, I'd guess that that's a surefire way to get your app rejected from the Store in any case. iTunes Connect allows you to provide custom license text when you're submitting the app; I'd recommend just using that.

I just faced this challenge and thanks to @Noah Witherspoon I found how to set a custom license in order to be shown before downloading the app from AppStore. Please refer page 52 of the iTunes Connect Developer Guide in order to see what would happen when you do that.





验证码 换一张
取 消

