Dummy data generator [closed]
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Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this questionCan you suggest sites where I can generate dummy data based on my requirement for testing purposes of my project?
Note: I need a dummy data for usage of VMs and physical servers in terms of memory, CPU, disk, I/O utilization in percentage. Is there any site which provides utility to generate this kind of data?
Check out InfoChimps, they may have the sort of data your are after. But if you're just looking for numbers, it should be exceptionally trivial to just generate them yourself.
Maybe you can try http://www.generatedata.com/#generator
Obviously late to the discussion but in case anyone finds their way here. The baseball database contains some moderately large datasets (160,000+ records in the Fielding table, I believe).
Check out my MySQL Datagenerator. Perhaps that is what you are looking for...