How to add double click event on a table row using javascript?
var nextRow = tbl.tBodies[0].rows.length;
var row = tbl.tBodies[0].insertRow(nextRow);
row.setAttribute('ondblclick', "return move_to_x_graph();");
This code will add a double click event on a row. But the thing is it's not working in case of Internet Explorer.It's working fine in case of all the other browsers.
For adding style I am handling this:
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var browser = navigator.appName;
if (browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {"cssText", "color:black; width:300px;");
} else {
cell2.setAttribute("style", "color:black; width:300px;");
Can anybody help me to add double click event using Javascript that will also w开发者_如何学Pythonork in Internet Explorer?
Don't set event handlers using setAttribute
, it doesn't work as you'd expect in IE. Instead set it directly on the equivalent event handler property of the element:
row.ondblclick = function() {
return move_to_x_graph();
With jQuery:
$(row).bind("dblclick", function(){return move_to_x_graph();});
Also, maybe you can add it to the cells instead of the row:
$(row).find("td").bind("dblclick", function(){return move_to_x_graph();});
If you are not using jquery, give it a try, it makes things easier. Or any other framework like Prototype or so.
Instead of passing a string argument. Try passing a function literal like this:
row.setAttribute('ondblclick', function () {return move_to_x_graph();});