
How do I remove the 'required' rules from all form inputs in jQuery Validate?

As above, how can I remove all of the required rules from a form using jQuery Validate?

This is what I have at present:

var settings = $('form').validate().settings;

for (var i in settings.rules){
开发者_Python百科    alert(i);
    delete settings.rules.i; 
    // ^ not sure about how to do this properly,
    // and how to just delete the 'required' rule and keep the rest intact

The function native to jQuery Validate returns an undefined error:

$("input, select, textarea").rules('remove','required');

And if you don't want to mess with validate's internal settings, you can use the public function in this way:

$('input, select, textarea').each(function() {
    $(this).rules('remove', 'required');

Note that leaving out the second parameter (required) would remove all the rules, not just the "required".

As can sometimes be the case, I appear to have stumbled on the answer just after resorting to posting on here.

for (var i in settings.rules){
   delete settings.rules[i].required;


When you need to remove a required input, you need also delete the attr of your input, test this.

$('element').rules('remove', 'required'); $('element').removeAttr('required');

You can disable jquery validate rules globally for client side validation using the ignore property (see validator options https://jqueryvalidation.org/validate/). This is useful for testing server side validation.

You can disable all rules

  ignore: ":hidden, input, select, textarea"

This is a jquery selector so you also do,

  ignore: ":hidden, input[required], select[required], textarea[required]"

For additional inputs just add as needed.

You can also remove html validation with something like this for dev environment (since its a slow selector):


This is to remove / reset the red validation text too.

function RemoveJQVRule(rulename, inputname) {
   $(`[name="${inputname}"]`).rules('remove', rulename);
   $(`#${inputname.replace('.', '_')}-error`).html("");


RemoveJQVRule('required', 'AddressVM.CityId')

The dot is when dealing with objects, it can work for simple names normally like 'Address'.





验证码 换一张
取 消

