How do I remove the 'required' rules from all form inputs in jQuery Validate?
As above, how can I remove all of the required rules from a form using jQuery Validate?
This is what I have at present:
var settings = $('form').validate().settings;
for (var i in settings.rules){
开发者_Python百科 alert(i);
delete settings.rules.i;
// ^ not sure about how to do this properly,
// and how to just delete the 'required' rule and keep the rest intact
The function native to jQuery Validate returns an undefined error:
$("input, select, textarea").rules('remove','required');
And if you don't want to mess with validate's internal settings, you can use the public function in this way:
$('input, select, textarea').each(function() {
$(this).rules('remove', 'required');
Note that leaving out the second parameter (required) would remove all the rules, not just the "required".
As can sometimes be the case, I appear to have stumbled on the answer just after resorting to posting on here.
for (var i in settings.rules){
delete settings.rules[i].required;
When you need to remove a required input, you need also delete the attr of your input, test this.
$('element').rules('remove', 'required');
You can disable jquery validate rules globally for client side validation using the ignore property (see validator options This is useful for testing server side validation.
You can disable all rules
ignore: ":hidden, input, select, textarea"
This is a jquery selector so you also do,
ignore: ":hidden, input[required], select[required], textarea[required]"
For additional inputs just add as needed.
You can also remove html validation with something like this for dev environment (since its a slow selector):
This is to remove / reset the red validation text too.
function RemoveJQVRule(rulename, inputname) {
$(`[name="${inputname}"]`).rules('remove', rulename);
$(`#${inputname.replace('.', '_')}-error`).html("");
RemoveJQVRule('required', 'AddressVM.CityId')
The dot is when dealing with objects, it can work for simple names normally like 'Address'.