IE VBScript HTC Behavior - Static Variables between all Instances of Behavior?
I'm not 100% sure what question I should ask - as I'm too sure on the best way to do this .. so let me describe what I'm trying to do (using a simplified example) and we'll go from there.
You have arbitrary HTML Elements (IMG, A, TD, whatever). Via the CSS they are assigned an HTML Behavior
.BoldSelection {
behavior: url(;
border: t开发者_StackOverflow社区hin solid black;
The Behavior simply puts a thick border around the elements when they are clicked - BUT - they have to set the previously selected element with a normal border.
So here is the HTC source. This would work if CurrentlyFocusedElementID was static between all instances of the behavior. But it isn't.
<Public:Attach Event="onContentReady" onEvent="LoadInit" />
<Script Language="VBScript" type="Text/VBScript">
Sub LoadInit
element.onClick = getRef("setFocusedElement")
End Sub
Sub setFocusedElement
set ele = document.getElementByID(CurrentlyFocusedElementID) = "thin solid black"
CurrentlyFocusedElementID = = "thick solid black"
End Sub
I also thought that if I could store an arbitrary property or attribute within the containing document's DOM then I could use that as a common place to look for the last active element ... alas I can't figure out a way to do that without using some sort of hack (ie. hijacking the body's class value)
I would like to keep the code all contained within the HTC. I like the modular fashion of doing it this way .. that way I can simply assign the CSS Behavior and its done - no callbacks .. no parent attributes .. no HTML Components to declare.
How would you suggest I go about doing this?
Thank you in advance.
The missing piece of the puzzle was .. expandos. Custom arbitrary attributes. Here is the completed .HTC
<Public:Attach Event="onContentReady" onEvent="LoadInit" />
<Script Language="VBScript" type="Text/VBScript">
' This is an example HTC only. If we were only setting borders, it'd make more sense to store
' the previous element's border type and keep the rest of the formatting. For simplicity we are
' swapping out the class name
Sub LoadInit
' No ID defined for this element. Highlight it for the developer
If = "" Then = "rgb(200,50,10)" = "thin" = "dashed"
Exit Sub
End If
' Attach our Click Events
element.onClick = getRef("BoldIt")
element.onDblClick = getRef("BoldItMore")
End Sub
' Changes the Class Name for the current element, and if a previously
' selected element exists, restore its original classname
Sub changeClass(newCSSClass)
' Storing the Expando on the document.body element
Set ele = window.document.body
' Retrieve our two custom attributes - the ID of the element, and what its original ClassName was.
LastEle = ele.getAttribute("LastHighlightedEle")
LastEleClass = ele.getAttribute("LastHighlightedEleClass")
' If there was in fact a previously selected element - restore the classname
If not isnull(LastEle) then
set oldEle = window.document.getElementByID(LastEle)
oldEle.className = LastEleClass
set oldEle = Nothing
End If
' Set our two custom attributes to this element and adjust this element's CSS ClassName
LastEle =
LastEleClass = element.className
ele.setAttribute "LastHighlightedEle",LastEle
ele.setAttribute "LastHighlightedEleClass",LastEleClass
element.className = newCSSClass
End Sub
' Single Click Event - 'Thick' is a CSS Style for a 3px border
Sub BoldIt
End Sub
' Double Click Event - 'Thicker' is a CSS Style for a 4px border
Sub BoldItMore
End Sub