Examples of well coded cocoa iPhone apps on github [closed]
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Closed 8 years 开发者_如何转开发ago.
Improve this questionHi Im looking for examples of well written Cocoa Touch iPhone apps to help me see what good cocoa code looks like.
Specifically im interested in how people have layed out standard navigation apps.
I am also interested in how different people have layed out the model/view/controller files as well as general naming conventions etc.
Code which uses core data would also be interesting to see.
Note: These are all super old apps by now, so they probably aren't good examples any more.
Erica Sadun's iphone 3.0 cookbook: http://github.com/erica/iphone-3.0-cookbook-
AppStore reviews scraper: http://github.com/gambcl/AppReviews
App Sales mobile for daily sales: http://github.com/omz/AppSales-Mobile
This one will teach you how to use the accelerometer pretty well: http://github.com/haqu/tweejump
The Yammer iphone app: http://github.com/yammer/iphone
Reddit's iphone app: http://github.com/reddit/iReddit
Port of the old gorilla's game: http://github.com/Lamentum/Gorillas
Matt Gallagher's audio streamer: http://github.com/mattgallagher/AudioStreamer
31 apps in 31 days: http://www.appsamuck.com/
wikiHow source: http://github.com/keishi/wikihow-iphone-app
tetris alternative: http://code.google.com/p/tris/
twitter client: http://github.com/takuma104/ntlniph
molecules: http://sunsetlakesoftware.com/2008/10/02/molecules-source-code-now-available
time tracking: https://github.com/lessallan/freshbooks-iphone-project
a ton more from matt gallagher: http://projectswithlove.com/projects/index.html
a list of even more: http://maniacdev.com/2010/06/35-open-source-iphone-app-store-apps-updated-with-10-new-apps/
and more... http://visionwidget.com/resources/icons-png/509-open-source-iphone-apps-in-app-store.html
a new one called Briefs.app which should interest everyone here: http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2010/08/briefsapp.html and http://github.com/capttaco/Briefs
and more.. just kidding. that's all i got