Passing EL expressions or managed bean instance in jsp:include
I have a generic buttons jsp:
<wow:button id="addButton" iconClass="add16 icon16x16"
action="#{managedbean.addNew}" type="submit" immediate="true"
value="#{lblMsg.label_add }" />
<wow:button id="deleteButton" ic开发者_运维问答onClass="iconCancel"
action="#{managedbean.delete}" type="submit"
value="#{lblMsg.label_delete }" />
This gets included in another jsp page via
<wow:outputText value="#{locationBean.disclaimer}"></wow:outputText> <br />
<jsp:include page="buttons.jsp">
This page has a managed bean instance used by the EL expression. I want to pass this instance of locationBean to buttons.jsp. One way is setting a param value in jsp:include to the bean name and using requestScope[beanName] in buttons.jsp.
Is there a better way?
Edit: wow is our own JSF component library.
Using the legacy JSP, I don't think there are semantically better ways. Your approach might however break if you change the scope of the bean. Another way may be to use JSTL c:set
<c:set var="currentBean" value="#{locationBean}" scope="request" />
<jsp:include page="buttons.jsp" />
<h:commandButton action="#{currentBean.action}" />
But this might clash with another beans which have by coincidence the same name.