moving/updating MKOverlay on MKMapView
is there a way to update (i.e. moving around) a MKOverlay
that is already added to the MKMapView
. Removing a old one and adding a new one is terrible (slow).
i.e i would like to trigger the background function that is calling this function when an overlay moves on the screen:
- (MKOverlayView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForOverlay:(id <MK开发者_开发问答Overlay>)overlay
(with MKAnnotions
its a little better i think, but i cant use MKPolyline
, MKPolygon
, etc. and the whole information is reduced to a single point)
has the following methods which force MapKit to re-render the given mapRect:
- (void)setNeedsDisplayInMapRect:(MKMapRect)mapRect
- (void)setNeedsDisplayInMapRect:(MKMapRect)mapRect zoomScale:(MKZoomScale)zoomScale
If you’re using a timer (or periodical HTTP request or some sort of other method for determining that your overlay should be updated), calling one of the above methods on the overlayView will cause it to re-render that spot on the map (i.e. -canDrawMapRect:zoomScale:
will be called again, and then -drawMapRect:zoomScale:inContext:
will be called if the former returns YES).
If you’re not sure what mapRect you need to re-render, you might be able to use the MKMapRectWorld
constant as the mapRect — which I believe would cause the overlay across the entire map to reload (once visible).
Use MKAnnotations
. You can change the coordinate of them. Just disable any touch-related stuff. You would need your own drawing code to draw the annotations, OpenGL would probably do the trick. Nobody would know the difference.
I actually had to force the overlay view to invalidate the path, to clear out the old path before setting up a new one. [polygonView invalidatePath]. Telling the map view that it needs a display refresh was insufficient for me.
This seems to force the map to refresh overlays. Probably annotations as well.
[self.mapView setCenterCoordinate:self.mapView.centerCoordinate];
Swift 3+ update, this worked for me, thanks @zenchemical for the inspiration.
DispatchQueue.main.async {, level: .aboveRoads), animated: false)
Side note, I can't help feeling that this shouldn't be necessary and there is a more appropriate solution, however, I haven't found it. Even though the add command is dispatched to the main queue, the overlay reproducibly does not render until I move the map.
there is a problem with raw setNeedsDisplay
if the bounding rectangle of the polygon changes then MKMapView would not update whole rectangle correctly,and secondly,MKPolygon/MKPolygonRenderer
's polygon is not updatable,and the problem with add/remove pipeline is if there is too much request to update the MapView it can get slower in the pipeline, I currently use a 30Hz thread loop if there is an update in polygon i do add/remove