
Passing models in array format to views in YII

How can I pass the model in array format. I want to pass models in this format from controller to view:-

Users[user_contact]=Contact Users[user_contact][contat_city]=City Users[user_contact][contact_state]=state

This is what I am doing

public function actionCreate() {
    $user = new Users;
    $presContact = new Contacts;
    $presCity = new Cities;
    $presState = new States;
    $contactArr = array();
    // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
    // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
    if (isset($_POST['Users'])) {
        $transaction = CActiveRecord::getDBConnection()->beginTransaction();
        $contactArr = CommonFunctions::saveContact($_POST['Users']['user_pres_contact'],'user_pres_contact',$errorArr);
        $presContact = $contactArr['contact'];
        $presCity = $contactArr['city'];
        $presState = $contactArr['state'];
        $user->attributes = $_POST['Users'];
        $user->user_pres_contact_id = $presContact->contact_id;
            $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $user->user_id));
        } else {


    $this->render('createUser', array(
        'Users' => $user,

I am able to access only $users but I m not able to access $Users['user_pres_contact'] in the view

That's because you are assigning them as strings... The correct way of doing things would be (btw, what you are asking for can't done literally, it is impossible to assign 2 values to one key):

$user = array(
'user_press_contact' => array(
  'contact' => $presContact,
  'city' => $presCity,
  'state' => $presState,

$this->render('createUser', array(
        'Users' => $user,

It will give you $Users['user_press_contact']['contact'] for the name in the view, etc.

You can use

$user->getAttributes() //it returns an array of data.

Hope that's usefull

It is possible to solve this using model relations? You can define a relation from the User model to the City model (e.g. naming it relation_to_city), then you can just assign the user model in the controller

$this->render('view', 'user'=>$user);

and access the city (from the view)





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