Need a .net API to produce PDF with the option of text rotation [closed]
I am creating PDFs from xml I am looking for an API which also allows me to rotate text, Is there any API available for .net?
iText. It's Open Source and you can even buy a quite good book on it written by the author. (And yes, of course it supports rotated text.)
Assuming that you are going to use the library iTextSharp, as suggested in another answer (iText is a Java library; iTextSharp is a .NET port of it), here's some examples. These are essentially stripped-down versions from Bruno Lowagie's book iText in Action from Manning Publications.
(Note that the examples are written in Java, since I took them straight from the book, but you should be able to easily adapt them to the iTextSharp library and C#.)
Image rotation:
This is found in the book on page 155.
Image img = Image.getInstance("foo.jpg");
Text rotation:
This is found in the book on page 351-352.
PdfContentByte cb = ...;
cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, "Some text", e, f, angle);
where e
and f
are translation values (the coordinates, essentially), and angle
is the rotation angle.