EodData wsdl java connection
I am stuck trying to figure out how to initiate a WSDL connection with EodData.com
the wsdl address is
I am using CXF to create a client connection:
QName qname = new QName("http://ws.eoddata.com/Data", "Data");
Data data = new Data(new URL("http://ws.eoddata.com/data.asmx?wsdl"), qname);
DataHttpGet dataGet = data.getDataHttpGet();
dataGet.login("xxx", "ppp");
and I got
Caused by: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Unmarshalling开发者_运维百科 Error: unexpected element (uri:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", local:"Header"). Expected elements are <{http://ws.eoddata.com/Data}LoginResult>
Not sure how I should initiate the connection?
A quick test using the following code worked for me.
Using WSDL2Java:
wsdl2java -autoNameResolution http://ws.eoddata.com/data.asmx?wsdl
Then using the code you provided with a few changes:
QName qname = new QName("http://ws.eoddata.com/Data", "Data");
Data data = new Data(new URL("http://ws.eoddata.com/data.asmx?wsdl"), qname);
DataSoap dataSoap = data.getDataSoap();
LOGINRESPONSE response = dataSoap.login("xxx", "ppp");
The response was:
Invalid Username or Password