
SQLite error 'attempt to write a readonly database' during insert?

I have a SQLite database that I am using for a website. The problem is that when I try to INSERT INTO it, I get a PDOException

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database

I SSH'd into the server and checked permissions, and the database has the permissions


I'm not that familiar with *nix permissions, but I'm pretty sure this means

  • Not a directory
  • Owner has read/write permissions (that's me, according to ls -l)
  • Group has read/write permissions
  • Everyone else only has read permissions

I also looked everywhere I knew to using the sqlite3 program, and found nothing relevant.

Because I didn't know with what permissions PDO is trying to open the database, I did

chmod o+w supplies.db

Now, I get another PDOException:

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 14 unable to open database file

But it ONLY occurs when I try to execute an INSERT query after the database is open.

Any ide开发者_Go百科as on what is going on?

The problem, as it turns out, is that the PDO SQLite driver requires that if you are going to do a write operation (INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,DROP, etc), then the folder the database resides in must have write permissions, as well as the actual database file.

I found this information in a comment at the very bottom of the PDO SQLite driver manual page.

This can happen when the owner of the SQLite file itself is not the same as the user running the script. Similar errors can occur if the entire directory path (meaning each directory along the way) can't be written to.

Who owns the SQLite file? You?

Who is the script running as? Apache or Nobody?

For me the issue was SELinux enforcement rather than permissions. The "read only database" error went away once I disabled enforcement, following the suggestion made by Steve V. in a comment on the accepted answer.

echo 0 >/selinux/enforce

Upon running this command, everything worked as intended (CentOS 6.3).

The specific issue I had encountered was during setup of Graphite. I had triple-checked that the apache user owned and could write to both my graphite.db and its parent directory. But until I "fixed" SELinux, all I got was a stack trace to the effect of: DatabaseError: attempt to write a readonly database

This can be caused by SELinux. If you don't want to disable SELinux completely, you need to set the db directory fcontext to httpd_sys_rw_content_t.

semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/railsapp/db(/.*)?"
restorecon -v /var/www/railsapp/db

I got this error when I tried to write to a database on an Android system.

Apparently sqlite3 not only needs write permissions to the database file and the containing directory (as @austin-hyde already said in his answer) but also the environment variable TMPDIR has to point to a (possibly writable) directory.

On my Android system I set it to TMPDIR="/data/local/tmp" and now my script runs as expected :)


If you can't set environment variables you can use one of the other methods listed here: https://www.sqlite.org/tempfiles.html#temporary_file_storage_locations like PRAGMA temp_store_directory = 'directory-name';

In summary, I've fixed the problem by putting the database file (* .db) in a subfolder.

  • The subfolder and the database file within it must be a member of the www-data group.
  • In the www-data group, you must have the right to write to the subfolder and the database file.

####### Additional Notes For Similar Problem #####

I gave write permissions to my sqlite database file to other users and groups but it still didn't work.

File is in my web root directory for my .NET Core WebApi.

It looked like this:

-rw-rw-rw-  1 root root  24576 Jan 28 16:03 librestore.db

Even if I ran the service as root, I kept getting the error :

Error: SQLite Error 8: 'attempt to write a readonly database'.

I also did a chown to www-data on the librestore.db and I still received the same error.

Finally I moved up above my webroot directory and gave others write access to that directory (LibreStore - the root of my WebApi) also and then it worked.

SQLite error 'attempt to write a readonly database' during insert?

I'm not sure why I had to give the directory write access if the specific file already had write access, but this is the only thing that worked.

But once I made that change www-data user could access the .db file and inserts succeeded.

I got the same error from IIS under windows 7. To fix this error i had to add full control permissions to IUSR account for sqlite database file. You don't need to change permissions if you use sqlite under webmatrix instead of IIS.

I used:

echo exec('whoami');

to find out who is running the script (say username), and then gave the user permissions to the entire application directory, like:

sudo chown -R :username /var/www/html/myapp

(For followers looking for an answer to a similar question) I'm building a C# .Net Core 6.0 WPF app. I put the Sqlite.db3 on the c:\ drive for convenience while developing. To write to the database I must open Visual Studio 2019 as Administrator.

@Charles in a comment pointed out the solution to this (or at least, a botch solution). This is merely me spelling it out more clearly. Put file_put_contents('./nameofyourdb.sqlite', null); (or .db, whichever you fancy) in a .php file in the root directory of your app (or wherever you want the db to be created), then load that page which renders the php code. Now you have an sqlite db created by whichever user runs your php code, meaning your php code can write to it. Just don't forget to use sudo when interacting with this db in the console.

A good clean solution to this is to allow the file of your main user account to be written to by (in my case) the http user but this worked for me and its simple.

I got this in my browser when I changed from using http://localhost to http://145.900.50.20 (where 145.900.50.20 is my local IP address) and then changed back to localhost -- it was necessary to stay with the IP address once I had changed to that once





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