
How to create excel add-in (excel 2003 or previous version) package with activeX dll?

I am new to excel add-in prgramming and I am having a existing excel add-in project need to modify.

The plug-in has 2 parts, one is programmed in VB and compiled into a ActiveX DLL file, the other part is inside the exce开发者_如何学Gol as an add-in.

I already modified the source code of the DLL and recompiled a new DLL, but I don't know what is the correct way to re-package the 2 parts into one excel add-in package and give to my colleagues.

I tried to remove the reference to old DLL from excel, but it seems I could not do that, it will always be there and I can't really remove it.

This add-in is for excel 2003 or previous version, not for excel 2007.

thanks a lot for your help!

Welcome to DLL Hell!

You'll have to remove the reference to the old dll.

Have a look at: regsvr32

  1. Close Excel
  2. Click Start / Run / cmd
  3. Type regsvr32 /u [path of old dll]/[filename]
  4. Then regsvr32 [path of new dll]/[filename]

Eg: regsvr32 /u c:\windows\system32\file.dll

You can add /q to hide all messages

How do you repackage it for your colleagues? There are multiple ways. Create a bat file and email it, put it as part of the logon script. Or go to each workstation and manually do it





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