
Magento reports an install error: "Database server does not support the InnoDB storage engine"

While installing Magento on server I got the following error

Database server does not support the InnoDB storage engine.

Database开发者_StackOverflow社区 connection error.

How can I overcome this?

You would need to contact your host to find out if they are able to offer a server that contains a MySQL install which supports the InnoDB storage engine. Magento requires InnoDB (unfortunately).

Alternatively, you may want to google 'fastest magento host' and take your pick of the lot.

Contact your server support team to get the issue resolved. Tell them about the error and they will provide you with alternative/solution that supports InnoDB.

You need to use instead of localhost. this worked for me

Depends on the hosting company.

  1. if you have SSH, Login into you VPS with SSH and root
  2. Open the following file (nano /etc/my.cnf)
  3. Find the following line and comment it out. (skip-inndob) remove the # [mysqld] #skip-inndob
  4. Now login into your WHM, Go to "Restart Services" and click on: SQL Server (MySQL), Then confirm the process with a “Yes”

All of these steps should activate the InnoDB module, you can test it by going into your phpMyAdmin > SQL Enter: show engines; command into the empty field and press It should give the output:





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