
Is there any way to get all GET vars with javascript?

First off, I do not want what is in the URL query. I want what PHP see's in the$_GET array.

This is because the URL query will not show all the params if mod_rewrite has been used to make pretty URLs

So is there a way to get the query string that would match exactly what is in the php $_GET array?


I came up with a way myself using PHP and JavaScript like so:

function query_string()
        function assoc_array_to_string ($arr)
            $a = array();
            foreach($arr as $key => $value)
        开发者_运维知识库    {
                $str = $key.'='.$value;
                $a[] = $str;
            return implode("&",$a);
    return '<?=urlencode(assoc_array_to_string($_GET))?>';

...but I need to do this with just javascript if possible because I can't put PHP code in a .js file.

Won't JavaScript "only see" the query string? How would client-side script know about any rewrite rules?

The only way I can think of is to use PHP -- echo it into a variable in an inline script in your main page rather than the JS file.

In your page <head>:

<script type="text/javascript">
var phpQueryParams = <?php print json_encode($_GET); ?>

Assuming at least PHP 5.2, otherwise use an external package

The query string is found in window.location.search, but that's the raw query string. So if you run something like this:

(function () {
    QueryStr = {}
    QueryStr.raw = window.location.search.substr(1);
    var pairStrs = QueryStr.raw.split('&');
    QueryStr.val = {}
    for(var i=0,z=pairStrs.length; i < z; i++) {
        var pair = pairStrs[i].split('=');
        QueryStr.val[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);

You'd have something very much like $_GET in QueryStr.val.

Of course, you mention that you've mixed things up a bit using mod_rewrite, which is cool, but since we don't know your rewrite scheme, we can't help specifically with that.

However... you know your rewrite scheme, and you could probably modify the code I gave above to operate on some other part of window.location. My bet is that you'd want to split window.location.pathname on the / character instead of &.





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