regular expression in groovy
How to find whether the string cont开发者_运维问答ains '/' as last character .
I need to append / to last character if not present only
ex1 : def s = home/work
this shuould be home/work/
ex2 : def s = home/work/
this will remain same as home/work/
Mybad thought this is simple, but fails
thanks in advance
The endsWith method posted above works and is probably clear to most readers. For completeness, here's a solution using regular expressions:
def stripSlash(str) {
str?.find(/^(.*?)\/?$/) { full, beforeSlash -> beforeSlash }
assert "/foo/bar" == stripSlash("/foo/bar")
assert "/baz/qux" == stripSlash("/baz/qux/")
assert "quux" == stripSlash("quux")
assert null == stripSlash(null)
The regular expression can be read as:
- from the start of the line:
- capture a non-greedy group of zero or more characters in length:
- that ends with an optional slash:
- followed by the end of the line:
The capture group is then all that's returned, so the slash is stripped off if present.
You could use regex, or you could use endsWith("/")
Doesn't this work?
s?.endsWith( '/' )
So...some sort of normalisation function such as:
def normalise( String s ) {
( s ?: '' ) + ( s?.endsWith( '/' ) ? '' : '/' )
assert '/' == normalise( '' )
assert '/' == normalise( null )
assert 'home/tim/' == normalise( 'home/tim' )
assert 'home/tim/' == normalise( 'home/tim/' )
[edit] To do it the other way (ie: remove any trailing slashes), you could do something like this:
def normalise( String path ) {
path && path.length() > 1 ? path.endsWith( '/' ) ? path[ 0..-2 ] : path : ''
assert '' == normalise( '' )
assert '' == normalise( '/' )
assert '' == normalise( null )
assert 'home/tim' == normalise( 'home/tim' )
assert 'home/tim' == normalise( 'home/tim/' )