
PHP Implode Associative Array

So I'm trying to create a function that generates a SQL query string based on a multi dimensional array.


function createQueryString($arrayToSelect, $table, $conditionalArray) {
$queryStr = "SELECT ".implode(", ", $arrayToSelect)." FROM ".$table." WHERE ";
$queryStr = $queryStr.implode(" AND ",$conditionalArray); /*NEED HELP HERE*/
return $queryStr;

$columnsToSelect = array('ID','username');
$table = 'table';
$conditions = array('lastname'=>'doe','zipcode'=>'12345');
echo createQueryString($columnsToSelect, $table, $conditions); /*will result in incorrect SQL syntax*/

as you can see I need help with the 3rd line as it's currently printing

SELECT ID, username FROM table WHERE lastname AND zipcode

but it should be printing

SELECT ID,开发者_高级运维 username FROM table WHERE lastname = 'doe' AND zipcode = '12345'

You're not actually imploding a multidimensional array. $conditions is an associative array.

Just use a foreach loop inside your function createQueryString(). Something like this should work, note it's untested.:

$terms = count($conditionalArray);
foreach ($conditionalArray as $field => $value)
    $queryStr .= $field . ' = ' . $value;
    if ($terms)
        $queryStr .= ' AND ';

Note: To prevent SQL injection, the values should be escaped and/or quoted as appropriate/necessary for the DB employed. Don't just copy and paste; think!

function implodeItem(&$item, $key) // Note the &$item
  $item = $key . "=" . $item;


$conditionals = array(
  "foo" => "bar"

array_walk($conditionals, "implodeItem");
implode(' AND ', $conditionals);

Untested, but something like this should work. This way you can also check if $item is an array and use IN for those cases.

You will have to write another function to process the $conditionalArray, i.e. processing the $key => $value and handling the types, e.g. applying quotes if they're string.

Are you just dealing with = condition? What about LIKE, <, >?

Forgive me if its not too sexy !

 $data = array('name'=>'xzy',

$x=preg_replace('/^(.*)$/e', ' "$1=\'". $data["$1"]."\'" ',array_flip($data));

$x=implode(' AND ' , $x);

So the output will be sth like :

 name='xzy' AND zip='3432' AND city='NYK' AND state='Alaska'

I'd advise against automated conditionals creation.
Your case is too local, while there can be many other operators - LIKE, IN, BETWEEN, <, > etc.
Some logic including several ANDs and ORs.

The best way is manual way.
I am always doing such things this way

if (!empty($_GET['rooms']))     $w[]="rooms='".mesc($_GET['rooms'])."'";
if (!empty($_GET['space']))     $w[]="space='".mesc($_GET['space'])."'";
if (!empty($_GET['max_price'])) $w[]="price < '".mesc($_GET['max_price'])."'";

Though if you still want it with this simple array, just iterate it using

foreach ($conditions as $fieldname => $value)...

and then combine these variables in the way you need. you have 2 options: make another array of this with field='value' pairs and then implode it, or just concatenate, and substr trailing AND at the end.

I use a variation of this:

function implode_assoc($glue,$sep,$arr)
    if (empty($glue)) {$glue='; ';}
    if (empty($sep)) {$sep=' = ';}
    if (is_array($arr))
        foreach ($arr as $k=>$v)
            $str .= $k.$sep.$v.$glue;
        return $str;
    } else {
        return false;

It's rough but works.

Here is a working version:

//use: implode_assoc($v,"="," / ")
//changed: argument order, when passing to function, and in function
//output: $_FILES array ... name=order_btn.jpg / type=image/jpeg / tmp_name=G:\wamp\tmp\phpBDC9.tmp / error=0 / size=0 / 

function implode_assoc($arr,$glue,$sep){
    $str = '';
    if (empty($glue)) {$glue='; ';}
    if (empty($sep)) {$sep=' = ';}
    if (is_array($arr))
        foreach ($arr as $key=>$value)
            $str .= $key.$glue.$value.$sep;
        return $str;
    } else {
        return false;

I know this is for the case of a pdo mysql type.. but what i do is build pdo wrapper methods, and in this case i do this function that helps to build the string, since we work with keys, there is no possible way to mysql inject, since i know the keys i define / accept manually.

imagine this data:


you defined utils methods...

public static function serialize_type($obj,$mode){
    $d2.=" (".implode(",",array_keys($obj)).") ";
    $d2.=" VALUES(";
foreach ($obj as $key=>$item){$d2.=":".$key.",";}

    foreach ($obj as $key=>$item){$d2.=$key."=:".$key.",";}    
return rtrim($d2,",");

then the query bind array builder ( i could use direct array reference but lets simplify):

  public static function bind_build($array){
     foreach ($query_array as $key => $value) { $query_array[":".$key] =   $query_array[$key]; unset($query_array[$key]); } //auto prepair array for PDO
return $query_array;    }

then you execute...

$query ="insert into table_x ".self::serialize_type( $data, "insert" );
$me->statement = @$me->dbh->prepare( $query ); 
$me->result=$me->statement->execute( self::bind_build($data) );

You could also go for an update easy with...

  $query ="update table_x set ".self::serialize_type( $data, "update" )." where id=:id";
    $me->statement = @$me->dbh->prepare( $query ); 

    $data["id"]="123"; //add the id 
    $me->result=$me->statement->execute( self::bind_build($data) );

But the most important part here is the serialize_type function

Try this

function GeraSQL($funcao, $tabela, $chave, $valor, $campos) {
    $SQL = '';

    if ($funcao == 'UPDATE') :
        //Formata SQL UPDATE

        $SQL  = "UPDATE $tabela SET ";
        foreach ($campos as $campo => $valor) :
            $SQL .= "$campo = '$valor', ";
        $SQL  = substr($SQL, 0, -2);
        $SQL .= " WHERE $chave = '$valor' ";

    elseif ($funcao == 'INSERT') :
        //Formata SQL INSERT

        $SQL  = "INSERT INTO $tabela ";

        $SQL .= "(" . implode(", ", array_keys($campos) ) . ")";

        $SQL .= " VALUES ('" . implode("', '", $campos) . "')";         


    return $SQL;

$data = array('NAME' => 'JOHN', 'EMAIL' => 'J@GMAIL.COM');
GeraSQL('INSERT', 'Customers', 'CustID', 1000, $data);




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