
Model Based Testing Tutorial with C# / .NET

开发者_JAVA技巧Is there any C# .NET resource from where I can learn about how to write Model Based Tests ? using NModel or preferrably Spec Explorer ? just some basic tutorials on how to write MBT ?


You may want to take a look at some of the answers posted here: http://testing.stackexchange.com/questions/92/how-to-get-started-with-model-based-testing

Specifically for Spec Explorer you might want to take a look at the their blog.

Depending on how much experience you have with MBT you may want to look at some of the papers here on Harry Robinson's site

I actually run a blog on model based testing, where I explore some of the applications and downsides of model based testing. It contains both some high level thoughts but also samples that you can have a look at for inspiration. It's newly started, so its not as content rich as I would prefer it, but it will get there.

You can find it at: http://appmbt.blogspot.com/

The best learning resource on model-based testing with NModel is accompanying book from the authors of the tool: "Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#" by Colin Campbell, Baron Clyde, Jonathan Jacky, Margus Veanes, and Wolfram Schulte.

The book teaches more than just using NModel. It explains lots of theory behind the tool: methods and techniques to simulate and explore model, conduct safety and liveness analyses, conformance on-the-fly testing; which can be applied when using SpecExplorer too.





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