Reverse order of bars in a Flex BarChart
I'm trying to use a BarChart in Flex. I'd like it to order the bars according to the order of the ArrayCollection I fed it. i.e. data at index 0 should be the first bar on top. However, Flex is giving me the exact reverse order. i.e. data at index 0 is not the last bar in bottom.
How could I tell the BarChart to reverse the order other than reversing the order of my ArrayCollection? Thanks!!
Here's the block of code in my script tag:
private var optionsArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
new VotingOption('Yes, it rocks!', 'yes', 5),
new VotingOption('Meh, it is okay!', 'ok', 10),
new VotingOption('No, it sucks!', 'no', 15)
And here's my BarChart code:
开发者_开发知识库<mx:BarChart x="9.1" y="8" id="barchart1" width="563.0303" height="454.01514" maxBarWidth="30"
type="overlaid" dataProvider="{optionsArray}" showAllDataTips="true">
<mx:CategoryAxis id="vertAxis" categoryField="optionSMSCode"/>
<mx:AxisRenderer axis="{vertAxis}" showLabels="false"/>
<mx:BarSeries xField="optionResult" showDataEffect="morph"/>
The output that you are getting is correct according to how Flex BarCharts work, and this is also the output you should be expecting. The origin is at the bottom_left, and as such objects/lists start at the bottom_left and continue outward towards the the top and to the right.
I do understand visually how you would interpret it the reverse way. So let's say that someone gave you that dataProvider/ArrayCollection in that order, but you wanted to visualize in the reverse order. I would either 1)
//public var data:ArrayCollection;
or 2)
reverse the labels on the vertical axis using the AxisRenderer.labelFunction property.
Flex: Inverting LinearAxis values
The solution is simple. Make a new array or array collection (you might have to override the dataProvider property of the chart) using the same objects and sort them.