How can I append to a field on a form in a CRM Callout?
I can't find any information about this. I've got a CRM callout that fires from a form, and I need append to one of the fields; for example, the field might have something like "BH" in it, and I need the callout to do some calculations and alter the field so that it reads "BH002129" or whatever, but no matter how I try it, it ends up just overwriting the field entirely (so in that case, it will just say "002129"). I can't seem to get it to append, and I also can't figure out how to read the value of that attribute so I can just tack it on to the string that the callout puts there. There has to be a way to do this, right? But how?
Edit: Code snippet:
public override PreCalloutReturnValue PreCreate(CalloutUserContext userContext, CalloutEntityContext entityContext, ref string entityXml, ref string errorMessage)
// Variables
string prefix = 开发者_运维技巧"no_init";
XmlDocument entityDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList propertyList = entityDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Property");
XmlElement competitorNumberValue = null;
XmlElement properties = (XmlElement) entityDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Properties")[0];
XmlElement competitorNumberElement = entityDoc.CreateElement("Property");
// Find prefix -- this is the part I don't know how to do
prefix = Convert.ToString(?????);
Other stuff gets calculated here, which works fine. New value gets written to the attribute here as well.
return PreCalloutReturnValue.Continue;
Another edit: I just tried this idea, which I found online and which actually causes a CRM server error on save:
string nameSpaceValue = entityDoc.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["xmlns"].Value;
XmlNamespaceManager xsn = new XmlNamespaceManager(entityDoc.NameTable);
xsn.AddNamespace("z", nameSpaceValue);
string entityXpath = "//z:new_name";
XmlNode new_nameNode = entityDoc.SelectSingleNode(entityXpath, xsn);
// Find prefix
prefix = ((XmlElement)new_nameNode).GetAttribute("new_name").ToString();
I use this class to work witn callout entity xml
public abstract class EntityXmlParser
public abstract bool isValueExists(params string[] arrParamName);
public abstract string GetSingleValue(string sParamName, string sDefaultValue);
public abstract int GetSingleValue(string sParamName, int nDefaultValue);
public abstract decimal GetSingleValue(string sParamName, decimal nDefaultValue);
public abstract Guid GetSingleValue(string sParamName, Guid idDefaultValue);
public abstract DateTime GetSingleValue(string sParamName, DateTime dtDefaultValue);
public class EntityCrmCalloutXmlParser : EntityXmlParser
private XmlDocument m_xmlDoc = null;
private NameTable m_xmlNameTable = null;
private XmlNamespaceManager m_xmlNameMgr = null;
private const string ms_sURIXmlns = @"";
private const string ms_sURIXsi = @"";
private bool m_blChangeEntityXml = false;
public EntityCrmCalloutXmlParser(string sCalloutEntityXml)
/*m_xd = new XPathDocument(new System.IO.StringReader(sCalloutEntityXml));
m_xn = m_xd.CreateNavigator();*/
m_xmlNameTable = new NameTable();
m_xmlNameMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(m_xmlNameTable);
// Add the required prefix/namespace pairs to the namespace manager. Add a default namespace first.
m_xmlNameMgr.AddNamespace("crm", ms_sURIXmlns);
m_xmlNameMgr.AddNamespace("xsi", ms_sURIXsi);
// загрузка xml-строки
m_xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
public string EntityXml
get { return m_xmlDoc.OuterXml; }
public bool IsChangeEntityXml
get { return m_blChangeEntityXml; }
public string GetEntityName()
XmlNodeList xmllstItem = m_xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/crm:BusinessEntity/@Name", m_xmlNameMgr);
if ((null == xmllstItem) || (1 != xmllstItem.Count))
throw new CrmInternalException("Название сущности не найдено.");
return xmllstItem[0].InnerText;
public override string GetSingleValue(string sParamName, string sDefaultValue)
XmlNodeList xiter = m_xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//crm:Property[@Name='" + sParamName + "']/crm:Value", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (0 == xiter.Count)
return sDefaultValue;
if ((1 != xiter.Count) /* || !xiter.MoveNext()*/)
throw new System.ApplicationException("Ошибка при разборе входных значений. Неудалось однозначно определить параметр '" + sParamName + "'.");
// проверка на значение null.
XmlAttribute xmlIsNullAttribute = xiter.Item(0).Attributes["IsNull"];
bool blNull = false;
if (null != xmlIsNullAttribute)
blNull = bool.Parse(xiter.Item(0).Attributes["IsNull"].Value);
return (blNull) ? sDefaultValue : xiter.Item(0).InnerText;
public override Guid GetSingleValue(string sParamName, Guid idDefaultValue)
return new Guid(GetSingleValue(sParamName, idDefaultValue.ToString("B")));
public override decimal GetSingleValue(string sParamName, decimal nDefaultValue)
return decimal.Parse(GetSingleValue(sParamName, nDefaultValue.ToString(CalloutManager.Instance.NumberFormatInfo)), CalloutManager.Instance.NumberFormatInfo);
public override int GetSingleValue(string sParamName, int nDefaultValue)
return int.Parse(GetSingleValue(sParamName, nDefaultValue.ToString()));
public override DateTime GetSingleValue(string sParamName, DateTime dtDefaultValue)
return DateTime.Parse(GetSingleValue(sParamName, dtDefaultValue.ToString(CalloutManager.Instance.CRMFullDateFormat)));
public bool SetPropertyValue(string sPropertyName, DateTime dtPropertyValue)
XmlNode xmlRootPropNode = m_xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("crm:BusinessEntity/crm:Properties", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlRootPropNode)
throw new ApplicationException("Ошибка при получении xml элемента BusinessEntity.");
// поиск элемента в xml-структуре
XmlElement xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.SelectSingleNode("crm:Property[@Name='" + sPropertyName + @"']/crm:Value", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlPropValueElem)
{ // элемент не найден
// создание элемента
XmlElement xmlPropElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Property", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("type", ms_sURIXsi, "CrmDateTimeProperty");
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("Name", sPropertyName);
xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlPropElem.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Value", ms_sURIXmlns));
if (DateTime.MinValue.Equals(dtPropertyValue))
xmlPropValueElem.SetAttribute("IsNull", string.Empty, "true");
xmlPropValueElem.InnerText = dtPropertyValue.ToString("s");
m_blChangeEntityXml = true;
return true;
public bool SetPropertyValue(string sPropertyName, string sPropertyValue)
XmlNode xmlRootPropNode = m_xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("crm:BusinessEntity/crm:Properties", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlRootPropNode)
throw new ApplicationException("Ошибка при получении xml элемента BusinessEntity.");
// поиск элемента в xml-структуре
XmlElement xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.SelectSingleNode("crm:Property[@Name='" + sPropertyName + @"']/crm:Value", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlPropValueElem)
{ // элемент не найден
// создание элемента
XmlElement xmlPropElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Property", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("type", ms_sURIXsi, "StringProperty");
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("Name", sPropertyName);
xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlPropElem.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Value", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropValueElem.InnerText = sPropertyValue;
m_blChangeEntityXml = true;
return true;
public bool SetPropertyValue(string sPropertyName, Guid idPropertyValue)
XmlNode xmlRootPropNode = m_xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("crm:BusinessEntity/crm:Properties", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlRootPropNode)
throw new CrmInternalException("Ошибка при получении xml элемента BusinessEntity.");
// поиск элемента в xml-структуре
XmlElement xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.SelectSingleNode("crm:Property[@Name='" + sPropertyName + @"']/crm:Value", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlPropValueElem)
{ // элемент не найден
// создание элемента
XmlElement xmlPropElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Property", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("type", ms_sURIXsi, "LookupProperty");
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("Name", sPropertyName);
xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlPropElem.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Value", ms_sURIXmlns));
if (idPropertyValue.Equals(Guid.Empty))
xmlPropValueElem.SetAttribute("IsNull", string.Empty, "true");
xmlPropValueElem.InnerText = idPropertyValue.ToString("B");
m_blChangeEntityXml = true;
return true;
public bool SetPropertyValue(string sPropertyName, int nPropertyValue)
XmlNode xmlRootPropNode = m_xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("crm:BusinessEntity/crm:Properties", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlRootPropNode)
throw new CrmInternalException("Ошибка при получении xml элемента BusinessEntity.");
// поиск элемента в xml-структуре
XmlElement xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.SelectSingleNode("crm:Property[@Name='" + sPropertyName + @"']/crm:Value", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlPropValueElem)
{ // элемент не найден
// создание элемента
XmlElement xmlPropElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Property", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("type", ms_sURIXsi, "CrmNumberProperty");
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("Name", sPropertyName);
xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlPropElem.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Value", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropValueElem.InnerText = nPropertyValue.ToString();
m_blChangeEntityXml = true;
return true;
public bool SetPropertyValue(string sPropertyName, decimal dPropertyValue)
XmlNode xmlRootPropNode = m_xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("crm:BusinessEntity/crm:Properties", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlRootPropNode)
throw new CrmInternalException("Ошибка при получении xml элемента BusinessEntity.");
// поиск элемента в xml-структуре
XmlElement xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.SelectSingleNode("crm:Property[@Name='" + sPropertyName + @"']/crm:Value", m_xmlNameMgr);
if (null == xmlPropValueElem)
{ // элемент не найден
// создание элемента
XmlElement xmlPropElem = (XmlElement)xmlRootPropNode.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Property", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("type", ms_sURIXsi, "CrmMoneyProperty");
xmlPropElem.SetAttribute("Name", sPropertyName);
xmlPropValueElem = (XmlElement)xmlPropElem.AppendChild(m_xmlDoc.CreateElement("Value", ms_sURIXmlns));
xmlPropValueElem.InnerText = dPropertyValue.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
m_blChangeEntityXml = true;
return true;
I think that you should wrap this inside a Dynamic entity so that you can acces directly each properties.
Take a look at