Uploading a file [duplicate]
Possible Duplicate:
How to implement file upload progress bar on web?
I have seen many webpages where the user is able to upload a file and he is given some sort of progress as visual feedback (horizontal bar, percentage etc).
My html form is
<form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p>Select file to upload: <input type="file" name="selected_file"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Upload the file"></p>
How can I provide the user with a feed during the upload?
there are many javascript and flash scripts out there which provide such a option.
my favorite one is Plupload. it supports html5 as well as flash and many others to choose from
see the examples and documentation for more information
Use JavaSqript. For e.g. i suggest to see http://www.webmotionuk.co.uk/php-jquery-image-upload-and-crop/
Have a look at very good:
for your purpose you can use uploadify. its a jquery upload plugin. the link to uploadify is http://www.uploadify.com/. the link to its demo page is http://www.uploadify.com/demo/.
its easy to use. and it have good documentation too. try this