
is there a good PHP CRUD code generator? [closed]

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Is there any better PHP CRUD code generator?

I want to get Data Access Object, Business Object and Value Object.

It would be difficult to match my needs, but I am happy at least I can get any relevant one.


I am working on an MVC based application.

I am using my own MVC framework.

I need this code generator to generate codes for MODEL part.

For example Entity Class and Value Objects Currently my codes are like below.

class CustomersDAO
   public function add() {$CustomersVO}
   public function update($CustomersVO) {}
   public function delete() {}
   public function get() {}
cla开发者_如何学编程ss CustomersVO
   public $id;
   public $name;
   public $tp;
   public $address;
class CustomerBO
   private $id;
   private $name;
   private $tp;
   private $address;

   public function getID() {};
   public function setID($val) {};
   // other getters and setters gos here..

   // other business logics

http://www.cakephp.org (scaffholding)




all can generate the basic business logic via command line.

You may have a look at

Cygnite Framework

Does basic code generation. Controller, model, views, layout, pagination, form component, required field validation etc. all these generate with simple command. You may alter the code based on your need.

Here is the tutorial- Generate CRUD application within 2 Min

Worth looking.

LaraAdmin could be the best CRUD Generator and Admin Panel for Laravel. Its also generates Eloquent Models and Spectacular Views.

You can find yet another PHP DAO generator/scaffolder - this one does not require manual configuration or table/columns settigs - it will read database schema structure from MySQL's INFORMATION_SCHEMA and automatically create ORM classes for selected tables with properties, CRUD(S) and finder functions, including getters for related objects.






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